Naga to join

Don’t really need the crystal, but if it helps explain it, sure. Maybe a default necklace that you can change colors on, but is always on them.

all i know is naga are a no-brainer allied race for horde. and it wouldnt be high elves, it’d be highborne, so more like nightborne and night elf. maybe they could have all sea/water colors, so aqua, teal, coral, bright pink

yes but he has legs lol

They’d be pretty easy to make neutral too - have a faction that’s repentant and appeals to rejoin their night elf relatives, and a faction that’s less repentant and joins their previous blood elf allies.

I mean, they were former Highbourne Night elves, so it still seems to fit. As for the Alliance, I would love to see the Vrykul join the Alliance since they are simply LARGE humans, and scaled correctly could be as large as Tauren.

I guess Alliance would have to get Jinyu finally for the 2 Aquatic race options.

Bleh, that’s exactly why I don’t want them to be playable. They’re just “humans but bigger and also Vikings” and I find that incredibly boring. At least put them on the Horde to shake things up, if they must be in game.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH No… (wags finger), you are welcome to invite Naga in, I get my Vrykul. Plus, I want to update their models to look a bit more rugged than the current Northrend versions. If I have to tolerate some ugly snakes, you can deal with boring humans :rofl:

we tried that and got kul’tirans, who are supposed to be vrykul descendants, hence the ‘kul’, and though i dont mind kul’tirans, i dont want another experimental giant

Kul Tirans were about as successful as Maghar orcs. I want a tall race, and since we got Earthen, some giant Iron Dwarves are out, and Centaur have too many legs to use gear OR a flight path. I have zero interest in most other races and had we not gotten Lightforge Draes, I would have asked for Ashtongue Deathsworn.

gilgoblins are cute. but if we going designer, then gnome faeries are my suggestion. take gnome model, make it skinny, give it wings, let it hover, and a new class called faery magic. now its not very heavy metal and is rather furry and …erm…feminine, but there is a wealth of lore and artistic themes to draw from.

Well, for Alliance, I’d like to step away from 3rd and 4th versions of the similar races. I mean, Demon hunters worked with the Ashtongue, the Naga, and the Shivarra. But aside from the Ashtongue nothing else seems to fit the something “new” category. Although, to be fair, they are not the same Draenei we already have, but not sure I could listen to their 70 year old gravely voices on my alt. I always figured we would get Ogres or half Ogres as another bi-partisan race (A & H)

new? …new…okaay, you want ground moving and amazing, or quirky and unusual, or low key and relaxing?

I want interesting, thick with Lore, and easy on the eyes. Maybe something like the Vulpera but curious about the Alliance. Truth be told, I love my gnomes, so smaller races are awesome, but I don’t want goofy or gimmicky… like a goblin with gills LOL

what about murlocs

What is it with you people and reptiles? I think I would play Sethrak before Murloc. And no, I do not want little snake people.

this is gonna be hard to also be new, cause anything with abundant wow lore, is already a well known commodity and wouldnt feel new. let me give you an example of new with zero lore at this point, since vulpera were whioly new but well established in game, the idea would be to make the game address them in the same way vulpera or earthen were addressed (and forgive me for thinking this isnt going to happen because metzen says theyve already planned out the next 3 expacs and that means ‘new’ as formulated on the forums aint likely in a decade). but without further ado, i present ‘new’ and interesting:

a race called synthists, they are lanky and tall, with long, straight hair and angular ears, a bit scifi, and are an offshoot of shamans. they shapeshift similar to druids but the shift is elemental. this means they can eat an element and become skinned by the element- for example eating earth, they become brown and rugged and have earth based spells, same for eating plants, or air or water or fire. in a way they are sort of like the botani but more dramatic and intense, since the shifting happens in combat

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Sounds interesting enough, I mean I do love shapeshifting.

any time you can change things up in combat, it makes it all feel fresh

remember that shapeshfter in deep space 9? something cool like that, odo was his name