Naga expansion confirmed

Only if the person you stole it from sees you on their map (like an icon of some kind) whenever you happen to cross paths lol

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Naga allied race confirmed.

Horde side for sure, Naga always in trouble

Because data mining has never disappointed before. :roll_eyes:

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LET GO PARITES :pirate_flag: :parrot: :pirate_flag: :parrot:

Nagas are misake :upside_down_face:

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Still speculation rather than confirmation.

If we’re speculating I say it will be player housing in starship form.


Finally, the Warcraft/Starcraft universes converge!

People already had Burning Legion in TBC but then Legion happened and it’s still renowned as the best xpack of WoW.

It seems about time for an updated version of the ICC ship battle but on the seas with pirates and/or naga

The Legion is also the biggest antagonist in WoW, and Legion was a decade apart from BC.

Okay? So how does 5 years and 10 years change things? How does that make it better?

Naga are deeply rooted in WoW too, no?

Strong chance it’ll flop if it turns out to be a Naga expansion

Naga theme aready sort of “played out” back in BFA, the playerbase is wise to it by now. Same thing with the “pirates” rumor - it was already done in BFA

They will need something “fresh” to rekindle the pre-expansion excitement and hype

Am I the only one that things these weird huge back pieces aren’t appealing? Btw it might mean a naga expansion with Azshara I guess.

Omg I need that! :two_hearts:

There’s just no way - it would be “a plate of leftover food” straight out of BFA :rofl: They wouldn’t dare

x2 it wouldn’t go over well if they made the zones “100% underwater” like Vashjir, from what I remember most players seemed to dislike that zone


The thing that sucked about underwater was the 3d nature of the zone I think for many. But I liked that it tried something new personally. We could always do a walk on the ocean floor thing tho with a spell or whatever.