[NA]<From The Embers> Seasoned AOTC Raiding/Key Guild Recruiting For 2. Raids Tues/Thurs 8-10:30PM EST

From The Embers is recruiting for Season 2 of The War Within!

Faction: Horde & Alliance are both welcome!

Raid Schedule: We raid Tuesday and Thursday 8-10:30PM EST. We consistently achieve AOTC, we have no interest in Cutting Edge. We’ll push into Mythic as far as we’re comfortable and everyone is having fun, but it’s not a priority for us.

About Us: From The Embers resurfaced at the start of Shadowlands and has since grown into a small community of friends who have played together since, picking up new folks along the way. We’ve no interest in becoming a mega-guild of a 1,000 players. We’re content with smaller numbers, as it makes getting to know and play with our community a lot easier. We’ve got players of all skill levels. From vanilla veterans to those just starting this season. Our core is mostly veterans who are eager to help players grasp the fundamentals, but aren’t going to carry you through everything. Whilst we raid to have fun, we’re serious about the limited time we have each week and prioritize pushing content.

Content: Aside from raiding, we do tons of keys of all ranges, mega-dungeons, alt-raids on the weekends, transmog and mount runs for those interested. Our Discord community is incredibly active and we’re usually hanging out in there, even if we’re not playing WoW.

Open Raid Slots

Healer - Holy Priest / Resto Druid >> Preservation Evoker. No Shamans.

Ranged DPS - Our priorities: Warlock > Balance Druid > Mage > Shadow Priest. No Hunters.

Melee - Our priorities: Rogue >> Warrior. No Paladins.

If you have any questions or would like to know more please feel free to contact me on BNET or Discord. Thank you for reading the post, I hope to hear from you soon!

Contact Me

BNET: Vornwin#1447

Discord: Vornwin