Hey Fyyahh, I’m GM of From The Embers, I think our raid style will match perfectly with what you’re looking for. We’re laid back, crack a lot of jokes and have fun with the game, but respectful of our raiders time that we push content. We raid Tues/Thurs 8-10:30PM EST, and run a lot of keys. We understand life is greater than WoW. We always get AOTC, we dabble a little in Mythic raid, but it’s not really our goal.
If you’re still looking for a guild, I could really use a fourth healer for our raid group, especially a mistweaver or maybe even a resto druid.
Here’s a link to our recruitment post if you want more info :[NA]<From The Embers> Seasoned AOTC Raiding/Key Guild Recruiting For 2. Raids Tues/Thurs 8-10:30PM EST
Or you can reach me on BNET at: Vornwin#1447 or Discord: Vornwin
Goodluck on finding the right fit for a guild, it can be a challenge.