Naaru make a poor cosmic threat because

As what also pointed out in the thread.
Most naaru deaths or captures happen due to self-sacrifice or have already been severely weakened.
Same can not be said for old gods who give their most to corrupt and/or defeat us, and we still merc them as if it was just another tuesday.

The naaru who do not participate in the grand scheme of self-sacrificing, are shown to decimate several platoons of opposit forces with little effort.

My take is that the naaru overall are large good, hence why they could indeed not be considered dangerous. But were they foes, they could indeed be as dangerous as any other cosmic force being.

It took the Titans to imprison the old gods, though. Many Naaru fell in battle against Denathrius’ forces, according to Z’rali herself.

The Heart of Azeroth was what allowed us to kill N’zoth. Both Yogg and C’thun were imprisoned and likely not at full power.

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Who knows, the old gods were still weaker than the titans. Their main problem was their roots in Azeroth.

Still more powerful than a naaru, probably, and we still merc them. That is what our character do, they merc stuff.

I know they’re weaker physically than the Titans. But they aren’t the strongest threat the Void has to offer. That would be the Void Lords, and since the Old Gods themselves seem to dwarf the Naaru, the Void Lords would be even stronger.

This was the original point, though. If we had to kill more Naaru, then they’d probably be more like elite quest mobs than some powerful gods we need a raid group for. At least imo. Some Naaru are more powerful than others, too. Idk if that was mentioned earlier.

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The chandeliers have always kinda sucked.

They look cool but like, damm dude. We chucked one of those mfs in the Sunwell just to turn it back on

An’she doesn’t exist in the lore as we know it. He’s still just an abstract concept of belief.

For someone who chastises other people taking their own headcanons as fact, you’d think he’d know better, but I digress.


Agreed, I hope if we do get a big Light focused expansion it should introduce loads more of light related beings and some diversity to how the Naaru look too. I just kinda hope they don’t butcher An’she and make him a human-looking.

I disagree on An’she being an abstract concept of belief. The Tauren are right that Elune/Mu’sha is a proper being, I see no reason why An’she would be any different.

That said, Khadgar did find something stating that Elune might’ve been who created the Prime Naaru, hence why a Tear of Elune works for fixing Xe’ra. I… Kinda feel bad for any Night Elves if they go that route in a Light Bad expansion >_>


Elune exists she’s not a concept but that doesn’t mean she has a counterpart. The Tauren only started believing in An’she again in Cataclysm and they did so by learning from Blood Knights about the Light.

I understand that there’s a lot of popular fantheories that have been accepted by the fandom as canon, but they are just fan theories, and we should treat them as such. Elune being the progenitor of the Prime Naaru suggests she is already a being of the Light, maybe the first.

They probably don’t have sexes. It’s just mortals anthropomorphizing them. Kind of like how people refer to their boats in female pronouns. Xe’ra could have as easily been called a, ‘Light Father,’ I suppose.

If they do have sexes, my guess it has something to do with Light or Soundwave harmonics or something.


That’s an interesting theory.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t have sexes Well if most other naaru are called “he” then why only occasionally call them “she?” Plus, almost all other cosmic beings have sexes in this setting.

Most other cosmic beings have gender characteristics, but that doesn’t necessarily translate to a biological sex.

Eonar looks like a woman. Breasts, a more slender frame than the other Titans, lack of facial hair, etc… However, we know full well Titans aren’t born when a male and a female Titan love each other very much. World Souls form in world’s with excess spirit energy, under conditions we do not know. In this regard, is Eonar a woman in any sense other than her appearance?

The counterpoint to that is that Cosmic entities with clear gender characteristics simply chose those characteristics. Perhaps the mortals whom dwelt on the world Eonar came from were all peaceful amazonian’s once upon a time, and she came to value and love their ideals and closeness to nature, and so when she was born, she took on a form like them.

From that perspective, for cosmic beings, gender is a choice. That’s the kind of story element modern Blizzard would happily say was always the case, whereas back in 2004 I’m sure they’d have had a giggle on-stage at Blizzcon and tell players they were thinking too much about it and to just appreciate Eonar’s thighs.

Trying to apply gender to beings like the Naaru feels like it would be complicated. That said, maybe it’s a bit like mushrooms, and there are several thousand different genders. The Naaru are certainly unique enough from most biological races for that to be a possibility. If every combination of lightwave, color, soundwave, etc… was it’s own gender, that’d be complicated, but at least interesting. As is, we don’t know if Naaru can even procreate. They feel a bit more like the recycled concept of Angels from Diablo, as if Metzen went, “Well, we can’t do humanoid angels again… crystal windchimes it is!”


Retcons are plentiful in the game. Apparently the Seers have existed before cataclysm, albeit the source is from the RPG which has dubious canonicity iirc, but seeing as how it’s they do exist now you can basically canonize it. That said I don’t quite know where you’re getting the Blood elf connection, checking WoW’s wiki it cites stuff abotu the Seers and Night elves, but very little about the Blood Knights.

And Elune has also connection with the emerald dream and the Winter Queen, now, the cosmology of 6 distinct forces might not be purely accurate, but it doesn’t seem like she’s the First being of the Light.

Honestly I think it’s probably just a choice and biological sex is lightly pretty irrelevant. That said, we do know Naaru procreate in some fashion. Xe’ra core piece only could be activated via a Naaru of her direct Lineage and a tear of Elune was found as an alternative fix for it.

I dig the idea that they just choose decide gender and form. Makes sense enough and it’s fine enough for me.

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And this brings up all sorts of questions.

For example, what does it mean for another Naaru to be of her lineage? Is this again like Diablo where all angels coalesce from the Crystal Spine, but some are considered to be related by the wavelengths of their Light and Sound? Tyreal and Inarius were said to have wavelengths so similar they were considered brothers.

If Xe’ra was actually somehow responsible for the existence of other Naaru, then how does the Tear of Elune factor into this at all? We know Elune herself isn’t a Naaru, and if she’s with any cosmic team, it’s Life, not Light. That was cemented with Shadowlands and the Winter Queen being her, “Sister.” Of course, that relationship goes back to this idea of, “What even are these familial terms to cosmic entities.” After all, it’s not as if Elune and the Winter Queen were born from the same Mother. The Winter Queen was manufactured in Zereth Mortis.

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In Cataclysm , tauren became an eligible race for the paladin class. Brightmane was introduced as the leader of the Sunwalkers after (re)discovering the powers of Ah;she.

Up until Cataclysm the only Horde paladins where Blood Knights due to class restrictions so they created a whole plot and lore about how the Blood Knights helped the Tauren become paladins. An’she didn’t exist prior to Cataclysm as more than just sun iconography and myth about the Earthmother’s children, the Tauren’s primary diety was always The Earthmother. The Tauren just observed celetial bodies and created myths.

Night Elves on the other hand began to worship Elune not originally as the moon but as a disimbodied voice coming from the Well of Eternity, Elune was always ‘real’ her moon iconography was something the Night Elves gave her because they saw the moon reflected in the water. That disimbodied voice, Velen suggests, is very silimar to how Naaru would reach out with the Light.

Even if the Seers didn’t exist before Cataclysm, the Tauren never stopped worshipping An’she. And the Blood Knights never taught the Tauren anything, without a doubt.

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Sunwalker Dezco worked alongside blood knights during the Sunreaver Onslaught during the Isle of Thunder story of MoP he has an entire short story of him becoming a paladin with the help of the Blood knights.

Mithonic/Renaustus/Monrowe, please allow me to clarify beyond doubt that I don’t give a single crap about whatever you and this guy Shasani/Jacorios/Rahkari/Micah have against Doness. No one does.

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I don’t know, or care, at all, who Alysna is. I’ve gathered enough about Doness being a guy half your age to notice you calling him a “girlfriend,” so please, spare the canned misogyny accusations.

No one thinks Rakhari is you, we all know he’s Shasani/Micah.

Keep the “Fine you all win. I;n done.” energy next time.

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I don’t think the Sunwalkers learned anything from the Blood Knights. I mean, there’s simply no evidence for it that I see. I’m open-minded of course. I listen to all possiblities. But I would like proof.

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