Naaru make a poor cosmic threat because

Only the edgelords and Illidan-stans. I don’t like or hate her, I think she was wasted potential and her death was edgelord cringe.

Considering Xe’ra was the highest-ranked agent of the Light and trying to cure your precious fel junkie’s angsty 14 year old phase with the Light, logically those Draenei should still have a problem with him rejecting it and killing her. Liking her getting killed off doesn’t change that or mean she wasn’t jobbed. My argument still stands.

If you want Naaru as the punching bags for your power-fantasy, they need some wins beforehand if you want a sense of triumph at the end.

No one wants to be forcefully changed against there will, No matter their crimes you don’t really get to do that


She just gave Illidan a taste of what he gave to Akama. It would’ve helped the story to keep her alive to explore the dynamic after he rejected Lightforging (or if he’d accepted it) AND it establishes a credible power level as a potent ally or threat. Even the Jailer had a few victories under his belt before we met him (not counting retcons).

Being able to influence people alone isn’t a claim to fame when every cosmic force can do that (especially the Void and the Jailer’s forces). If you want heroic Naaru, they need some wins. If you want villainous Naaru, they need some wins at first.

My precious?
I am just arguing based on what happened in the story, I do not have any sentimentl feeling towards any fictional being in Warcraft.

Who says they don’t?
What are they going to do? Go to the Seat of the Pantheon to side with Sargeras and kill Illidan now?

I don’t say I want it, just that they are dangerous enough for it. Most flying chandeliers we have met, have been fairly decent. Xe’ra deserved getting taken out though. Annoying flying chandelier.

In that case, your vitriol and name-calling towards Xe’ra shows you clearly do have some sentimental feelings.

The fact that they didn’t try to avenge Xe’ra when Illidan was kneeling right in front of them just after killing her. The Lightforged Draenei don’t even say anything about her death afterward. Shows what poor writing that was.

She doesn’t seem dangerous if she was killed off so easily. And that’s a major part of my point in this thread. The fact that you can’t mention Xe’ra without name-calling shows you’ve got a grudge; projecting a parent or teacher onto her, perhaps?

Nah, it is objective fact based on what we see in game.

She gaslights the player character.
She upholds Illidan as some glorious being and excuses his every action.
She then shows herself to be Illidan, but without character growth.

Annoying chandelier.

Their High Exarch tried, and was promptly stopped.

Well, Xe’ra being killed made sense all things considered. But blizzard not giving special dialogue is quite bad writing, indeed. But that is a constant with blizzard, I am not surprised.

And you ignore naaru easily destroying huge groups and the ability to inspire mortals to go on and fight a war for thousands of years.

I am not convinced they are not dangerous.

Most that we have met are friendly enough though, just not Xe’ra.

If you want to discuss things stop getting personal.


Your assessment is inaccurate, the name-calling is subjective not objective and what do you think of Illidan?

The others could’ve attacked while Illidan was occupied with Turalyon. The fact that they didn’t shows she clearly didn’t control them as much as some claim.

The lack of dialogue was one bit of bad writing in that scenario. At the very least they could’ve had a fight between Illidan and Xe’ra without the one-hit-kill to make it less of a jobbing.

When every cosmic agent can also do that, and considering how easily killed the most powerful Naaru was, there’s a clear lack of danger.

Whether it’s personal or not, I asked because you were getting emotional while denying there was any emotion involved, but okay.

Decent character who actually had some character growth. His story in TBC was ridicolous, but TBC story is largely just the result of blizzard throwing stuff together, not knowing good storytelling.

Or they were surprised at how easily their High Exarch was just stopped despite an overhead swing at a kneeling target with a sharp sword. Maybe they have more respect for the High Exarch as well, and when they saw he was stopped and convinced to stop the attack, they were too.

I won’t pretend to know what goes through the heads of NPCs who are given no dialogue, all I know is that they are light fanatics, that much their given dialogue gives away.

But they are clearly just a dangerous as every cosmic agent, if every other cosmic agent is dangerous.

The only emotional interest is in whether the story is good or not, or whether the writing of the character is good or not.

But even that I would chalk up to objective fact. Blizzard can’t write a good story even if they were straight up given a story to tell. Blizzard would end up taking a detour from the story and make it horrible again.

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What character growth? Blizzard literally had to retcon Illidan’s story twice before he even looked heroic. Personally, I don’t even think he was worthy of being a Champion of the Light but thought it could work with good writing… but look how that was flushed away (did a 14 year old write that nonsense “I am my scars!” line? “Wash your hands or your cut will get infected.” “No, I am my scars mom!”)

You’re just guessing. Illidan only has two hands and they have a lot more weapons. The surprise argument doesn’t make sense as Turalyon attacked, and logically their respect for him would’ve meant they joined the attack to help him/avenge Xe’ra.

Evidence shows they clearly aren’t fanatics, especially since Velen was able to reason with them.

That doesn’t mean they aren’t poorly written jobbers, unlike the others (except the Jailer, and even he got a few wins unlike the poor Naaru).

Calling Xe’ra names has nothing to do with interest in whether the story is good or not and is an emotional response. And the Naaru, especially that interaction between Xe’ra and Illidan, are a prime - pun intended - example of horrible writing for reasons cited here and more.

I mean, it is a retcon in a sense. He was never written to not having done awful things though. He had his reasons for doing them, does not mean they were not awful. Only Xe’ra claimed they were not awful, only Xe’ra claimed they are not awful.

No, you are guessing. I am just adding to your guessing. All we know is that Turalyon attacked Illidan, the rest of the Lightforged draenei dialogue shows them being light fanatics, and only the killing of Xe’ra probably saved them from going further into a territory of total, blind fanatism… like Yrel’s group of Lightforged, who were also inspired by a naaru to do the crap they do.

Calling Xe’ra names is just objective fact. Xe’ra was an annoying character, objectively. And naaru are flying chandeliers… so annoying flying chandelier. Just like Sylvanas was written into becoming a bad character… objectively.


You made it personal when you insulted his mommy Xera. He seems to think the Light and Xera are some sort of stand in for Christianity or religion. Any insult against is Xera is an insult to his real life faith.

He can not seem to grasp that Xera is a fictional character, and people can hate her based on her character’s actions and story. So he gets personal.

Sure it does. The sanctimonious chandelier was annoying, and I was so glad she was blown to bits.

It isn’t because I hate Naaru - I am a big fan of Adal. Xera was just an awful grating character who got her comeuppance.


Yeah I’ll never let the Windchimes live down getting BTFO’d by Draculas.

Like you’re literally sunlight made physical manifest and Nosferatu still dunked on you. Absolutely embarrassing. Be like the Sethrak defeating an army of mongeese. Just shouldn’t happen.


I do like dommy mommies myself though.

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People were calling the naaru windchimes and chandeliers since they were introduced in TBC. Just look at them.

And from what I remember, yeah, a lot of people disliked Xe’ra from the start. She was an annoying character. It was cathartic to see her shatter, not because Illidan was the one doing it, but because it meant she went away.



Kind of thought this award would’ve gone to the Wild Gods or the Elemental Lords, to be honest. The Elemental Lords get imprisoned, and when they got too uppity got murked in their own planes of existence.

As for the Wild Gods, we’ve seen them get regularly destroyed by their own followers. Trolls. You know, those guys we have a raid or dungeon to wipe out every other expansion? WoD was the first expansion to give us a combo breaker in that chain, and even then if the expansion hadn’t been cut short, I wouldn’t have been surprised if there had been another troll dungeon or raid somehow.

You can point to plenty of examples of Naaru going down, but when over half of them are the result of intentional self-sacrifice, and the other half are a result of them being in weakened states, it really doesn’t hold a candle when compared to defeating Ragnaros in his own throneroom, or Rezan tapping out from Zul.

I didn’t know who she was, and while it’s not exactly clesetially correct to say - I can’t tell the mfers apart.

The only one I know by name is uh. Scratch that actually. I wanna say Adele but that’s probably not right. The big one in Shattrath.

Frankly it’s kinda weird to me they apparently have sexes. I mean. How TF does that work?

Why do Thadeus threads always devolve into “can cosmic chandeliers reproduce?”

Are Naaru asexual beings? Or does the Light sanction fornication? Inquiring minds want to know!

If Naaru do not have sexual characteristics then gender to a Naaru is purely a social construct.

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Hmmm interesting :thinking:
Perhaps he thinks of them when doing private things?

He may fantasize with Xe’ra winning over illiboy?


Far as I can tell, Xe’ra and the light are clearly stand ins for his personal faith. Which explains the defensive stance he often takes when anyone disagrees with about the subject

Ignoring the trolls above, this thread does make a good point about how Naaru are Not equivalent to say, the Old Gods. This is why we needed some sort of Light Pantheon. An’she should have been on it. Each god could have spoken to each race differently.

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