Naaru make a poor cosmic threat because

At this point I think they’re all just one person on multiple accounts, w some commitment to forum RP or improv.

But it doesn’t matter like you said, you’re probably just better off ignoring people for the betterment of the thread topics.

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What does this shoe sole scraping possibly think he has to say now

Ah how surprising, nothing

Walk away Shasani

A’dal overpowered Illidan and kiljaeden at the same time.

Follow your own advice Ruthus.

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Was that in the Illidan novel? Didn’t read that one. Not sure there was ever anything like this in-game.

In game.
No legion force, nor illidari force, could impose against A’dal’s will and harm Shattrath.

Ah, I see what you mean. Sorry, the wording made me think A’dal personally interceded in a conflict between those two and all I could think of was something in the Illidan novel.

To be absolutely fair, I’m uncertain how seriously the Legion or the Illidari even attempted to attack Shattrath. At most you had the Scryers marching on it before switching sides, but it seems Voren’thal knew in advance that he was going to be doing that anyways, since he saw A’dal in a vision beforehand.

I feel that A’dal makes for a fascinating counterpoint to Xe’ra, and gives us a glimpse of a spectrum of philosophy within the Light cosmology. Whereas Xe’ra requires all those whom rally to her to be bathed in the Light and serve it foremost, A’dal was much more open to collaboration and respecting the individual’s choices. It wasn’t as if he Lightforged Khadgar and then Medhiv’s apprentice wound up a Priest. Granted Lightforging probably wasn’t even an idea back in BC, but I feel the point still stands that despite Khadgar’s impression of A’dal being reverent, he never really changed from who he already was, nor lost interest in his studies in the arcane.

A’dal embodied tolerance, respect, and compassion.
Xe’ra embodied righteousness, zeal, and unity.

As I’ve said before, if/when we get to the, ‘Light Bad,’ expansion I suspect they’ll have Xe’ra kill off A’dal for the shock value. If we start seeing A’dal becoming active again in the story, that’ll be the foreshadowing for the, ‘Light Bad,’ expansion.


Yeah I agree. A’dal is rad.


Well, Magni calls Azeroth female even when she isn’t born yet. Perhaps souks have gender. Maybe Titans choose theirs.


I want to know what’s going on with Outland as I firmly believe any scryers / high elf refugees are returning to Quel’thalas under the blood elf banner.

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Like I said earlier, people refer to their boats with female pronouns. This could be that. Or it could be as you said that even souls have gender. Or Titans choose theirs and Azeroth chose to be female. We really don’t have enough information.

It’s weird that Voren’thal hasn’t returned to Quel’Thalas, if I’m honest. I’m fairly certain Outland is secured, especially now that the threat of the Burning Legion has been ended. There doesn’t seem to be much of a reason for him and the Scryers to remain in Outland anymore, or at least, to not have returned to the banner of the Sin’dorei. By which I mean, I could see the Scryers maintaining Blood Elven outposts in Outland, and ensuring a steady stream of supplies or samples of unique or rare resources were being sent back home to be analyzed, studied, and experimented with.

Kind of always thought it odd that the Blood Elves never took more interest in Apexis Crystals.

As far as Outland’s High Elves, seems they’re sticking with Alleria as far as we can tell. The last we saw of Outland’s High Elves was Auric as a representative for the High Elven Pilgrims at the Sunwell in Wrath, and he nearly got arrested on made-up charges the moment Quel’Delar refuses Lor’themar. He wasn’t even there anymore when Alleria visited, and we also had an Alliance Island Expedition team named after him.

I don’t know what story Blizzard wants to tell where Quel’Thalas is concerned now that the factions are hugging it out. Given the mix of customizations between Void Elves and Blood Elves, they may as well just combine the races and make Thalassian Elves a neutral race at this point. Never made sense that Lor’themar exiled Umbric and his followers anyways. Just keep them off Quel’Danas and you’re golden. Granted nothing about the Void Elf, ‘Lore,’ makes any sense to begin with, but I’m getting way off topic.

I agree we’re overdue for some kind of in-depth update where Outland is concerned, and I would hope Voren’thal and the Scryers have pledged their loyalty to Lor’themar and their fellow Blood Elves again, regardless of maintaining a presence in Outland, or finally going home to Quel’Thalas.

Well, googling "Why are ships called “she.” gave me conflicting results. Some said it’s due to some sort of tradition of considering a ship similar to a mother or a goddess. Some say it has to do with the Latin origin of the word for ship. Many languages other than english, like Arabic, which I sort of speak, assign gender to everyday objects. Others say it’s a “complexity with the english language.”

Point is, there’s something behind it irl. In WoW, I personally just took gendered pronouns as they were. We don’t have any real answer atm.

Edit: I also just got a reply from someone who should be on my ignore list on an alt.

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Well no considering Lanesh who has existed since MOP has had blue eyes intentionally. At a time when blue eyes was a defining factor in who wasn’t around the main faction that became blood elves. So we had a blue eyed blood elf prior to the Sunwell undoing green eyes, so as far as we can tell some high elves were returning. And if his clothing is anything to go off of which looks like tattered scryer clothing, that would suggest some high elves at some point linked up w the scryers on Outland.

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We still don’t know Lanesh’s story is the thing. We can’t really use him as an example of High Elves willingly returning to Quel’Thalas. For all we know, he was a prisoner the Blood Elves used for labor (unlikely in my opinion).

Also, no offense but mentioning how, ‘tattered,’ his clothing is only reinforces this idea that the Blood Elves aren’t exactly treating him well. If he’s an example of a High Elf returning to Quel’Thalas, it’s a pretty poor example indeed.

What High Elves we generally saw in Outland didn’t seem particularly enthused about the Blood Elves, going by quests and dialogue from the Allerian Stronghold.

I mean he’s working as a blacksmith so I didn’t think much of it but still suffice to say if he linked up with the scryers than other Outland elves did as well.

And if the scryers are returning to Quel’thalas than they aren’t really needed by Adal anymore.

There were also the refugees in Shattrath.

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That’s a big, ‘if.’ Based off of his pants alone, I believe.

As far as I’m concerned if players want to say their blue-eyed Blood Elf is a High Elf who came home, then more power to them. It doesn’t feel like it’d be a stretch on an individual level. We just don’t have any lore at this time to suggest reunification is happening on any significant scale, if at all.

Sadly we haven’t received an update on the Scryers since BC itself. We are WAY overdue for one. Honestly, I was kind of disappointed they, A’dal, and the Aldor didn’t even appear in Legion.

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I don’t think you have anything to suggest more or less in the opposite direction either regarding the same group of elves. Seeing as you said “as far as we can tell” earlier which I disagreed w all things considered.

But I think these are the sorts of stories that can be addressed if we got more info on Adal. Considering the -what happened w members of the Aldor- should be addressed too.

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Well, High Elves reunifying with Quel’Thalas is a change to the status quo. We would need something to reflect that. Until then, the status quo is all we have to go by. Speculation of some sort of mass-movement of High Elves to Quel’Thalas based on the pants of a single NPC who’s story remains unknown is far too much of a stretch for me.

An update on the BC factions all around would be great, agreed. I feel like addressing reunification of the High Elves and Blood Elves might be able to be brushed on with that, but deserves something more of a focus beyond that, since most of the High Elves are still on Azeroth.

Imagines A’dal being radioactive…