[N-RP] The Rusty Nail Tavern


New server transfer (had to drop a b from my original name :P). Tried to stop by for a look-see but Murphy reared its ugly head and we had the power company in our neighborhood dealing with a power line on the other side of the street. It was throwing some sparks (looks like insulation cracked or similar). So I had to bounce back and forth to see if the neighborhood was going to catch fire or something.

So, sorry if it seemed like I was just riding around and standing for no particular reason …

I was able to pop in to the inn for a quick look and it was rather a neat setup, but just then I got a knock on the door. it was the fire department saying they were going to cut power while they fixed the line so all I had time for was a quick group bow and a quick exit.

Hope to try again some time, especially with all the goblins out back most likely chucking a variety of BEvERages …