Though they are not daily/random RP centric, there are several weekly RP gatherings in various other locations. The Rusty Nail in Tol Barad and the Undead Social in Silverpine for example.
Bring out your dead!
TIME: 8 pm CST / 9 pm EST
DATE: Every Thursday
Location: Ambermill Tavern in Silverpine (this location is being used as a proxy setting for somewhere that the Forsaken control in-game)
Factions: Horde & Neutral (Ebon Blade, Argents, etc)
Location should not be shared, or phased, and can be reached by lowbie characters.
Join the for a weekly undead-focused tavern night! This open rp social is a free mingle, and casual setting f…
New server transfer (had to drop a b from my original name :P). Tried to stop by for a look-see but Murphy reared its ugly head and we had the power company in our neighborhood dealing with a power line on the other side of the street. It was throwing some sparks (looks like insulation cracked or similar). So I had to bounce back and forth to see if the neighborhood was going to catch fire or something.
So, sorry if it seemed like I was just riding around and standing for no particular…