[N-RP] The Kraken Company [Piracy, Crime and Trade]

Throughout the ages, sailors have shared tales of their adventures on the high seas. But for one crew in particular, the Kraken Company, their exploits have transcended mere stories and become the stuff of legends. With a reputation for strength and resilience, they have repeatedly faced off against much larger adversaries and emerged victorious. All of this has been made possible by their flagship, The Kraken’s Embrace, which has allowed them to project their power across the eastern ports and claim any profitable spoils of war.

OOCly, we place a rather strong focus on member inclusion, ensuring none feel left out or unseen, but also on creating a nice, laid back, creative atmosphere for everyone involved. Aside from our attention to RP and assuring everyone has a part to play, we also engage in casual content along with occasionally playing other games when the mood strikes. Essentially, we’re here to have fun and hope to meet others with the same goal.

  • Required to be over the age of 18

  • LGBTQ+ Friendly

  • Weekly Combat, Social and Content Events

  • Chilled out Atmosphere

https:// krakencompany .carrd.co


/y You there, check out that noise!

/y We’re under attack! A vast, ye swabs! Repel the invaders!


I got nudged over here and figured I’d express some interest-- not at home for in game interaction, but can do a little discord here and there, just wasn’t sure if you wanted randos using that link if they aren’t already in the guild. :smiley:


We actually ask that our potentials join our discord, its easier for us to answer their questions there! Plus its where our applications are

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Nice! Sounds good then.

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:notes: We’re a rowdy bunch of scoundrels, sailing wild and free, answering to no law but the pirate’s decree. :notes:


Roaming free under scattered stars, crashing through wild waves, the Kraken’s call goes out, claiming the tides as it’s domain.


ARG! … Ahem … why do we make that noise again?

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We’ve been having a great time lately, many fun things happening inside and outside events! Our Campaign starts soon, if you want to be a pirate join our discord and plunder the seas

So much fun! Quite the gaggle of entertaining peeps! YOU should come check us out!

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Come on down, and have a blast with a great crew!

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We’ve seen you all around in Old Town! Seem like a great bunch of folks. :beers:


:open_mouth: thank you so much! Unfortunately I don’t recognize your name but I’d love to rp with you soon!

I met Armando through whisper and they were so nice, they told me I should check you all out, Please feel free to reach out to me sometime, Would love to learn more.


We had a great talk recently, hope to see you around icly soon!

Looking forward to crossing paths with you!!

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Looking for a place to learn RP and do some low level mythics and the new 10.1.5 mega Dungeon. Do you all just RP or have groups that run other things as well?

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Its mostly rp, but I know a few of us are interested in getting into Low Level Mythics and doing the 10.1.5 Mega Dungeon when it comes out, and with the next patch a concentrated push will likely be made.

Can Officially say that I joined this guild, gone to a event and spoke to members of the guild and I love this group. Has been awesome for getting back into RP and the game in general. Great band of players and storytellers here.


We can be friendly! … sometimes …

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