[N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring!

We are about to start the next chapter of our current campaign series “Twist of Fate: An Ancient Evil Awakens”, and have a few openings for the right people. Our regular events are 10-15 people, so those who don’t do good in those crowds may not enjoy it.

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Bump for a wonderful company!

Hey, hey Moonguard! It’s your ole pal Eddy P. just takin a moment to build up an amazin guild, almost as good as Flashbang Exports. But since they’s Alliance an we’z Horde, we ain’t in competition, see? An besides, Flashbang’s all Goblins and it don’t get any bettah than dat, right? Hehehe.


I can’t say enough bout these Blackwatah types. They are totally not pirates, a completely legit shipping outfit with some of the best ships sailing the Azerothian seas. Know what would make em bettah?

Why, riggin their ships with Flashbang’s custom pineapple print sails, pal! Wouldn’t dat be da Gobs uncle? Talk about classin up da sea!

So, back to the greatness of Blackwatah. If you can’t join the company, the least yous can do is visit the Rusty Nail Tavern every Tuesday night. Flashbang Exports gives it five stars and can always be found bringin the party. Umbry’s rockin the best tunes in the land, Pickleman’s slingin fried pickles, Taren makes the best Kaja Kola & Rum drink you ever tasted!

Therefore, since ain’t none of you Alliance types are Gobs, I suggest ya sign the papahs and join dis outfit, see? And when ya do, tell em your ole pal Eddy P. sentcha. I’ll get free pickles if ya do.

Yo, ho, yo, ho, a totally not a pirate life’s for you!


A month and a half into our latest chapter, and things are getting spicy. While we are currently capped for new employees for the next week or two, until we are through our latest batch of Green Bloods, we are looking for contacts for some trade deals through Pandaria and Kalimdor.

Check us out at the Rusty Nail if you’d like to work out some deals.

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Good news everyone Blackwater Recruitment is back open to those who desire a life on the open seas. Please either reach out through the discord platform or through in game application services for further details.


It’s time to bump the thread
It’s time to wake the dead
It’s time to put the Blackwater Company post on read!

It’s time to RP a Pirate
It’s time to MOG just right
It’s time to raze this port and steal their gold tonight!

The Blackwater Company has a **FEW** select spots open and we're looking for you! Not specifically you but the royal you. I am absolutely abusing the language to use fancy words I do not have a stable grasp of the meaning of for the purpose of F L A I R. Long story short, if you feel you want a long and glorious career as a pirate (or Privateer when you parents are at dinner with you) then Blackwater is the place!

Eliza stole my thunder as I formatted this abomination and I would like to let her know that I will be pursuing legal action with my team of trained attack Vulperan lawyers.


The Blackwater Company has a few openings.

Figured I would just get this out of the way now. We are completely recognizing the time progression. If you are a character that will choose to ignore the progression in time between Shadowlands and Dragonflight, we will not be a good fit.

As far as what happens in that off-screen time, that is still being developed as the news is fresh but we will be offering plenty of story options for character progression and new skill development that goes along with the company’s living story.


Such a great company with wonderful people! Come and join the fun!


Blackwater is still hiring. We will be putting the company on a hiring break closer to the pre-patch for guild story stuff, so now is a great time to join to beat the hirng freeze!

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Blackwater is some of the best friends I’ve made on this server. Coming from a server where PvP was king in all things (ya’ll know what one), my mindset was still there for a long time.

The wonderful folks of Blackwater helped me get out of that mindset and into a much more immersive system and grow, prosper and becoming a member of a flourishing community.

These people are phenomenal roleplayers, and even better friends. Definitely join up if this is your type of thing!

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I am looking for a home for my friends and I, and I think Blackwater might be the right place. I have a question regarding the limited recruitment though, I have two friends who might try to join when I try, and two others who can’t play until November. Would there be a good chance they’d all make it in assuming the app/interview process goes well?

Greetings! If we know ahead of time, we can make arrangements to support those interested and a great fit. We have the Rusty Nail tavern tonight if you wish to stop by and meet some of our roughnecks and scallywags.


Fantastic guild and glad I joined them.

Everyone here has been welcoming and helped work with me (despite my hectic irl schedule and time zone kerfuffle).

10/10 will keep protecting smugglers.

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o0o0o! Wow, this fits my character perfectly!! I’ll be poking around at you guys in-game for some more info! :slight_smile:

Tonight we have the Rusty Nail, it is our weekly social event. It is a factionless tavern where all are welcome but the only laws are pirate. You can come to check us out!

Sadly /who still doesn’t work well, but if you join the discord in the link below you can poke one of us to meet up if you can’t make the tavern.

[N-RP] The Rusty Nail Tavern - Moon Guard - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)


I’ve been part of this wonderful group of people for a few months now. The events are great and well done. Everyone is friendly, and makes all new people feel very welcome!

If you are looking for a great group of people, great roleplay, and even better events, then this is the guild for you!


Seen these people around. Seems like a fun group!

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We have a few good events coming up in the next few weeks! Come give us a try! We don’t bite…hard! Hahaha!

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I’ve done a few things with members of Blackwater. I’ve never had a bad interaction with them.


Blackwater is recruiting. In a bid for transparency, anyone hired between now and 11/15 would be considered post time skip. But right now is a few week lull so great time to join and get to know us before we dive back into story stuff.