[N-RP] Shadow of Lordaeron - The Damned Return

I would gladly join for the chance to harvest the graves of the Scarlets. I find them to be ideal puppets. And the sould of a crusader is ripe in despair and fear. Such a delicious treat to enjoy. (I would kill to play necromancer on wow.)

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"We’re still recruiting, please feel free to utilize the guild finder and make a request or in game mail Uqur, or myself Kalarek, for some In Character interaction! If you make a request in the guild finder, expect to get some in game mail asking about when you’re free!

:stares in scarlet:

:Offers discount in evil goods:

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Is speaking in Shath’Yar acceptable? I’m still a little rusty.

Puul qi’plahf ni oou bormax. Sk’magg yawifk hoq vr ogh Og h’iwn Og vormos. CoughCough…too much speak and not enough flem. *hack. (Takes a few gulps of water.)

:Hands you a Light-infused breath mint: Sore throat from all those weird words?

Shath’yar? No. But we do let you rap in Nerubian.

I am a spider, hi, how are you?
Four pairs of walking boots, I’m Nerubian too.
Sitting peacefully, content with mingling
Until the evening, when my evil senses get to tingling

But isn’t it a great time, chilling in the daytime?
Until the night arrives, and then it’s playtime

I’ll wear four air force pairs at the same time
Connect you to my web before giving you some face time
Many a brave knight gave a brave fight
Until I made a dinner plate of his grave site
In the daytime, I’m a web designer
Then, when the nighttime arrives, I get kind of wild

I’m crawling up your wall
Black and hairy, very small
Now, I’m up above your head, hanging by a little thread
Creepy, crawly, creepy, crawly

Bull is The Spider by Dan Bull. Minecraft Spider Rap. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Tweak a few words and make it nerubian style.


you should eventually log in and check your mail friendo. :slight_smile: Justsayin

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Hoh, really? We’ll see about that.

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What did you just call me? :ghost:

Into the ghoul pit with you.

Up to the top with you, just like a floating necropolis!

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The Cult of the Damned is hard at work ensuring even in the worst cases possible, it shall be able to regroup and survive. Cultists have been working all night, placing wards and traps around Caer Darrow. Many have been tasked with raising desecrated corpses into new ghouls, protecting the island from wayward intruders. Yet, reports have come from the odd farmer and woodsman about crates being placed in odd areas, even deep in the woods. Thankfully, no plagued grain has been found but the attire of proper cultists, along with copies of the Decree of the Scourge have been seen within these crates. It seems the Cult is no doubt boosting its longevity and making preparations for future recruits.

We have had events going and tonight we go to the outskirts of Andorhal to gather new stones meant to be turned into Scourgestones!

We are also working on placing TRP:3 Extended items/stashed around the Plaguelands! If you find one, feel free to interact how your character normally would!

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Very cool concept, sent you a letter In Game.

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rises up like a ghoul clawing its way out of the grave

Loving what I’m seeing out of this group so far, keep it up!

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who is celebrating! We hope you have a joyful time with friends, family, and whomever you decide to celebrate it with!

The Shadow of Lordaeron encourages you to make sure you eat up, indulge in sone turkey, ham, and of course fresh-baked rolls made from grain.

If your Grandma Gretchen suddenly wants to eat brains instead of turkey, we assure you everything is perfectly fine.


I was looking over your website and noticed Forsaken were on a case-by-case basis. I was just curious as to your reasoning if you don’t mind? I figured the cult would welcome infiltrators amongst the “traitors.”

They are on a case-by-case basis for this reason mostly. The Forsaken are traitors to the Scourge, the Cult would still recognize it as such. Them, like Darkfallen, are already undead. Even our few Death Knights we allow in are on a case-by-case basis too. A lot of times it boils down to: “Why WOULD your character join the Cult of the Damned, which is centered around that undeath is a blessing and grants immortality. You already have it.” It’s not to say they aren’t welcomed, we just need better reasonings at time especially through rp.

We are doing recruitment this week in Stormwind City! We’re also looking for players willing to role-play as ghouls, abominations, heists, etc for future guild vs guild conflict RP!

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