[The Sunreavers] The Shattered Veil - Siren Isle: The Raven, Revealed

The Sunreavers had returned to Dalaran, their home high above the Broken Isles.

Magister Sungazer made his way to their guild hall before his own home, fetching correspondes he needed to catch up on and bringing them with him to his flat. Once he had changed out of his uniform and into some lounge wear, for the first time in months, he sat by the hearth and read through the important messages.

One scroll caught his eye, the seal of the Duskwatch Saberguard familiar to him. He opened it and couldn’t believe a year had gone by and that it was time for the military ball already.

Smiling, he went over to his desk and penned a brief letter:

Esteemed Patrol-Captain Al’shaanth,

It would be our pleasure to attend your wonderful military ball, a solemn but joyous tradition. You may expect us on Saturday.


Magister Axiann Sungazer
The Sunreavers

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