Mythics this week is rough

If people aren’t dumb and stand in things i’ll get 90% of them on my resto druid. Moon fire one shots them and them dpsing will beat me dpsing, "or at least it damn well better :slight_smile: "

I have a mouseover Fireblast macro just for Explosive, but I only use it in situations where I would normally FB anyway. This affix is just awful for us. I’d play Frost if it wasn’t paired with Tyrannical :slightly_frowning_face:.

Explosives Affix has always been a nightmare for me since it started. I remember tons of wipes on BFA becoz of this affix. Last night, I experienced the same nightmare again. Shadowlands dungeons even without the affix is already challenging. Adding the affix made it way harder.

I am not really complaining. It’s just I expect failures during Explosives Affix weeks. I still prefer 2x melee and 1x range (me) to cover all the Orbs. 2x range with 1 melee was a nightmare to me like last night.

And to noobs, again and again. Killing Orbs is a priority over your big d*** DPS.

Not sure if this is still a thing, but last time explosive was in the rotation, mistcaller’s clones wouldn’t spawn orbs unless they were directly attacked. I did a high mists earlier in the week, and didn’t notice excessive orbs on her, but I may not have been paying attention. She died easily.

I had a +18 mists run last night with my druid. I was on orb and cc fox duty. It took long but nobody died and we timed the dungeon easily with 1 death in total .

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I was able to do 10x Mythic+ runs last week to get 3 options for my weekly vault. This week, I am okay just to do 4x Mythic+. But I learned something about Explosives…

I had run with 45x deaths failed timer of course but completed. I learned something from it. Mobs should be brought together so the orbs would pop next to it. If the mobs are separated, orbs would be separated too like the mobs. And also we could hide on the wall to prevent Orbs explosion damage.

The more experience we have on dungeon, the more we learn how to counter its mechanics.

Lot of responsibility for hunters this week. There’s a great weakaura that will tell you how many explosives are up. It should help you a lot.

Played the Guardian, holy cow I love Moonfire on explosive :heart_eyes: easy affix.

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Explosives are super easy, it’s the tyrannical that makes it hard.

The explosives are kind of easy. For me it gets hard when it’s a massive pack of mobs together or a few packs together (matters how the tanks pulling) and I either need to click on the bomb or frantically hit tab and try and find the bombs that way

Works most of the time. Also helps if you have classes in melee range with quick some attacks, like warriors or dh

This was a massive push week for my group. I’m working towards KSM with a couple of my guiltiest and we knocked out three of the dungeons we needed this week. That included a 16 SD. We’d been dreading it (and one of our pugs had been in ten runs recently trying to finish it for KSM), but other than the third boss, it wasn’t bad this week. I think if explosive is killing you, that’s a sign your group isn’t prioritizing it right.

I hadn’t been happy looking forward to the week with the tyrannical, but with two 16’s and one 15 cleared on time, it ended up not being too bad.

With the change to explosives in SL and how they scale with your key level, as long as you are not sitting 190 iLVL and doing an M15, any instant cast spell from any class will kill an explosive.

And if you are having trouble with seeing them, a nameplate addon would definitely help, or setting up your one you have to show explosives better.

Mine bugged out yesterday, I felt blind. :crazy_face:
The WA is a big help for sure!

Yeah it gets weird sometimes. I’ve seen it stay up even after the explosive is gone, but I ignore them anyway lol.

I use a WA that marks orbs that others in the group can see, too. That seems to help a lot, assuming no one else is using an auto marker WA

Honey badger tank form :badger:

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I wouldn’t mind Tyrannical except it tends to get paired with an affix that makes trash absolutely insufferable on top of tediously long bosses. This week is the one exception as long as you bring a class that can counter enrage.

A few bosses really don’t
seem to scale well though. Tyrannical Grand Proctor in SD isn’t fun because she can machine gun queue orbs/swirl phases back to back to back if you’re unlucky and wiping to Hakkar in DoS and losing Pride/Lust is 100% a dead key.

Goldfish swim form?

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I wish we could just have target macros for explosive.

Same here…I had a 12 mists that fell apart on 2nd boss.