I propose making two different Mythic dungeons.
The first one is Mythic ES (E-Sports). It runs just like Mythic+ does today. Timers, pressure to be the clock, etc. You win if you clear the dungeon before the timer expires.
The second is Mythic+ (Plus). It is just like the Mythic+ of today, but there is no timer. You successfully complete the dungeon if your group does not wipe (all players dead at the same time).
This could get people who don’t like the timer to play Mythic dungeons, and the E-Sport crowd can still have their dungeon.
Or maybe people can get over the idea that the timer means anything, If you’re group is having trouble getting a key,completed on time then that level is too tough.
I would be okay with this, if heroic difficulty was scrapped as a result. There are way too many difficulties as is.
As long as Mythic ES awards the weekly chest, and Mythic+ does not.
That would be nice, and I like this idea. I think that the E-sports push has its home in M+, though, so there would have to be something to accommodate those people going forward. I’m glad that the raids still exist because they have no timers (except some enrage ones) and can be done with a lot of friends!
Lets say we replace the timer with amount of deaths in a run where the amont of deaths would affect how much a key advances and how much loot at the end of dungeon. The weekly chest would remain the same (you would get it anyway if you didnt make time). The only exception to this change would be to limit bloodlust to 2-3 times a run maybe. As for esports, keep timer for their use.
M+ without the timer would pose no difficulty. Hard trash pack? Literally CC everything except one mob. Even if the key gets so high that the single mob does boss level damage. Tough boss? Run 5 tanks. Or 3 tanks, 2 healers. Etc. etc.
Edit: the only unobtainable key level would be where trash was one shotting entire parties
Sure and the end chest only drops 1 piece of loot. Works for me.
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That would guarantee it would never be done.
Perhaps your right but if you are doing +15s right now are they truely that difficult. Look at torgast in the coming expac and the reception of removing the psudo timers, if this works well i think mythic + could see some changes as well. Also try organizing a pug group that can go without a lot of deaths. I tank a lot of pugs and you would be surprised how often people die in the first five minutes. In the end if you run an organized group and perform well you will be rewarded, run disorganized and have problems your rewarded like so.
The entire point to M+ is the timer though. By removing the timer, you completely remove any and all stakes. It would literally be just to go complete something and then be done for the week without any chance of failure. We need to stop trying to gut the difficult aspects of the game with suggestions like this.
Keys aren’t hard. I haven’t attempted more than 5 lvl 20 keys but I have timed one, while in a pug, without voice.
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I suppose we could ramp up the affixes higher as well to increase difficulty. The way I look at it is that it would be like heroic/mythic raiding where if you dont have the dps, it simply isnt possible.
Good, no need to change the system then.
But why wouldn’t it be done? Your Mythic+ would be farmable and more palatable to players who dislike timers. Which means they would still get end of dungeon loot without the “risk” or “stress” of timers. Sounds like a win to me.
Otherwise you want the full current Mythic+ system without the timers, and all the rewards that the timer system brings.
I think any removal of timer is stupid. As has been said by other players you remove all difficult from a dungeon, except a very high keys like 20+. You can take all the time in the world for it, cc everything, slowly pull each mob one at a time. And still get your loot.
If the timers are too hard, you are most likely playing keys beyond you and or your groups stature. From what I’ve seen the majority of people who want timers removed are people who don’t even play m+ level where the timer actually starts to matter.
Well it’ can award the same loot, so it would have to cap out at a lower ilvl otherwise WTF would be the point of the more difficult content?
Well said, I also feel like people over reach whether it’s because they think because they sub they should have access to everything in wow, you have access to it just get good.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEzhg6HtASU great video although he cusses throughout it so if you get offended by that then don’t I guess.
I think I’m going to rewatch it rn, pretty entertaining.
This is how I see the thread:
Mythic ES = with limited deaths = designed for good players = leads to high io score
Mythic + = unlimited deaths = designed for bad players = no significant change on io score
What’s the difference of this propose change to current system? Bad players could still Complete the dungeon with 9999999 deaths.
You can run current m+ like your proposed m+.
Find a chill group (hint put chill in the title if your recruiting pugs) and ignore the timer. You’ll still get some loot at the end.
This is what I’ve been doing, lately, for keys I know I won’t be able to time. Either ‘practice run’, or ‘meme run’, ‘fun run’, ‘chill run’… Anything to hammer in the point that it’s not to be taken overly seriously.
It’s good practice, too, and after a few of them I have been timing those keys later on, so no reason not to do it!
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