Mythic + Tanks state of the game

Yeah same. I will be feeling pretty good, and notice the warrior that still has some blues is just ignoring damage somehow. Like it’s a choice whether they feel like losing health or not at the moment.

Meanwhile My SotR feels like the min required armor to not be a caster DPS.

I want more mastery and haste :frowning:

FOTM rerolling exaggerates the numbers a little bit, but I’m still on the side that other tanks should be up there for Protection Warriors, rather than Prot Warriors getting deleted from the game like it was in Shadowlands.

Blizzard doesn’t nerf Protection Warriors to balance; they completely destroy them with nerfs and refuse to do anything after they’re unplayable.

A little bit is an understatement to the Nth degree. We see a huge shift in class representation each season based on tuning and tier. Many times doubling in representation.

People think that if Blizzard nerfs protwars they will actually have balance their game. (Ruby life pools was nerfed how many times by now? Six or seven? )

But oh how wrong they are

As much as I want this that’ll just make us abit too OP in my opinion. I do agree that they should give us blur. Or atleast let us choose between blur or firey brand.

A lot of what you said is true but Warriors most definitely are overpowered. I’m not calling for a nerf.

I’m just being honest about what it is

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You think what you experienced in pre-patch is anything close to what it’s like in
current M+? What are you on? I’d like some too.

Let’s put some context into this. A decently geared prot paladin might have +/- 15% damage reduction from mastery by standing in consecrate. The problem is that prot paladin mastery is heavily punishing in that it requires you to be in consecrate at all times. Multiple bosses in the raid are designed with constant movement in mind and M+ is nothing but constant movement. Especially this week with sanguine it is nothing but movement. You might have as little buff uptime on consecrate as 60% or maybe as high as somewhere in the mid to high 80s. You will never have exactly 100% uptime.

Lets compare that to something else like prot warrior. All you have to do is be in defensive stance and you get 15% at all times. No planning. Does not matter if you move. No cooldown to track. Just a flat all the time 100% if you need the 15% damage reduction. The sad reality though is that prot warriors have found they don’t even need to sit in defensive stance most of the time.

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Problem is, a lot of players played with 4 tier set + cov abilties and all the stuff that comes with it so it felt “okay” now that we lost all they don’t understand that we don’t have all those things anymore.

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After SL, warriors deserve to be OP for a bit, tbh.

I’m still laughing at the people who think they balance tanks around m0 though.

Pretty sure druids and monks are getting major changes next Tuesday’s patch.

I think DKs are probably closer to the baseline of where tanks should be than warriors.

Druids are getting nerfed

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Demon Hunter changes:-
Sigil of Chain:- becomes baseline - it is put in a very bad position on talents tree and it was one of our biggest utility that we had.
Reverse Magic :- Demon hunters are suppose to be best tanks vs Magic Damage as a class fantasy and yet we are weakest compared to warrior spell reflect and paladin spell warding, having reserve magic just for tank spec would be a huge deal , even if just for themself not the whole group.
Eye Beam reduce CD:-
some sort of mechanic that let us reduce CDR on the ability by either every soul we consume reduce by 0.5sec or 1sec that way we have more uptime since Demon form is our biggest survivability.
Or 2 Charges of Eye Beam.
Blur :- we had on Beta and it made DH tanks feel great, either 1 or 2 charges of blur.
Soul Barrier:- Scales with vers and off the GCD.

Those Changes should make Demon Hunter Tanks almost as good as warrior tanks.

Druid Tanks:-
From what others been saying they need their mastery reverted back to what it was before nerf but even then they might need more, Druid tanks always been the high HP tanks and yet right now they are not the highest HP anymore, they need to be more beefy meat shield with maybe big increase of stamina boost.

Need suggestions for Monk Tanks and DK and Paladins.

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I can’t speak for monk changes. But the druid changes don’t really address how squishy they are. They give new ways to do damage, and a slight reduction in nonsense fluff. But we are still going to be getting chunked hard.

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There was a terrific list on PTR of what would be required:

Leave Prot Warriors alone. They do feel great to play and tank with and we should all feel like that.

They currently have:
High base mitigation of both physical and magic damage
100% uptime on active mitigation
No cooldown spammable % based self healing, 5-10% leech minimum, and multiple oh sht healing CDs.
Every cooldown lowered by doing their rotation
Multiple high burst CDs
Multiple control talents on short CDs

The problem is simply that this feels “complete” and other tanks do not have this. So, rather than nerf prot warriors, I’m going to suggest some changes that would bring the other tanks up to this level. I still do not think this will dethrone Warriors, but this list would make the other tanks feel less “wish we had a Prot Warrior”.

Blood DK
Blood suffers from three things. They have inconsistent damage, especially in single target. They suffer heavily from spike damage as incoming damage goes higher. They are tied to Death and Decay to enable a number of buffs that makes for unpleasant gameplay on fights with alot of splashy circles or that requires alot of movement, especially if you get unlucky on procs.


  1. Death and Decay provides you a buff for 10sec that enables the same mechanics that standing in DnD currently does.
  2. Will of the Necropolis buffed to 40% reduced damage taken. (number to be adjusted, but this protects them from getting bursted down while giving them time to self heal it)
  3. Bloodshot provides its buff for 6sec after gaining Blood Shield.

Prot Pally
Pally suffers from lack of damage, too much time spent casting Consecrate, and a bit too much physical damage taken.


  1. 10% aura buff for damage.
  2. Consecrate applies a buff for 10sec that enables the same mechanics that standing in Consecrate currently does.
  3. Faith’s Armor increased to 20%.

Demon Hunters suffer from lack of single target damage, reduced Frailty application in AOE, lack of ability to keep up Spikes consistently.


  1. 20% buff to Fracture’s damage.
  2. Spirit Bomb costs 30 Fury. (This to allow more casts to stack Frailty in AOE without affecting single target)
  3. Feed the Demon buffed to 0.5 per point, or 1sec off per soul fragment consumed.

Monks suffer from too much up front damage going into stagger, making their gameplay simply managing constantly red stagger. They also have issues with self healing that isn’t passive from their talents which is mostly a function of their huge stagger amount and effects based on that. They should have stagger that slowly wears them down but can be juggled with AM and self healing, but right now they are playing a giant juggling game that mostly makes them more difficult than other tanks for healers.


  1. 15% flat DR added. This reduces the damage that goes into stagger for both physical and magical. With their low HP, dot effects are very dangerous and stagger does nothing against those.
  2. Expel harm double heal value, double the cooldown, taken off the GCD.

Druids suffer from too much magic damage taken for the self healing they can put out, Moonfire DR being super important for DR in M+ packs, and poor pathing and tree design, especially for picking up utility in general tree.


  1. Scintilating Moonlight changed to 1pt talent for 5% reduced damage dealt to you per Druid damage over time effect applied. (This allows Thrash to put up something at the start, Sunfire to be used as well with change 4)
  2. Tooth and Claw and Pulverize apply a self buff instead of debuffing the target.
  3. Ursoc’s Fury buffed to 50% and Rend and Tear buffed to 3% per stack.
  4. Ursine Adept provides all Druid instant cast spells usable in Bear form.
  5. Connections in general tree added, Sunfire->Remove Corruption, Nuturing Instinct->Astral Influence.

It’s a huge list.

Blizzard will NEVER do it. Anyone looking at that list would say “that would be overpowered”.

But on Prot Warriors, it’s fine.

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The only prot warrior change needed.

Take spell reflect, remove it from the game, delete all traces of it code and put out a company wide statement that will terminate any employee trying to rewrite it.

It is hands down broken, it would be a great cd if it just reduced the cast by x%. Having a cast deal 0 (zero) damage to you AND reflect damage back while other tanks get obliterated is hilariously stupid.

Even worst case scenario it’s a magic dr for 20% for non targeted casts.

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hey now, when I look for tanks I always prefer a sexy blood dk

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I don’t respect the posters here, what makes you think you earned my respect? I came in out of nowhere and I’m about to blow past you. I already have for you, don’t know why you ever speak up. You’re level 60 you are irrelevant by definition.

Where’s ur armoreddon, kid? These people are barely doing more than me while using addons to talk them through every single mechanic as they come out. There will be no respect, only disruption.

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Blur is something VDH just needs.(a shield wall)
And Soul Barrier compared to ignore pain is just utter trash, it being on a 30 sec CD. Removing it from the GCD and having it scale with Versatility will help alot and make it somewhat rival to Ignore pain.

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I think more people would actually care what you have to say if you started doing what you are saying you are going to do instead of just repeating it over and over again.