Mythic raiding, is it worth developer time?

People think that developing a Ferrari is worth it, despite less than 1% of the total of the planet’s population being able to own one.

As for Mythic-quality raids, why not? Sometimes people make things because they want to, not because they’re profitable. I said the same thing about Mythic raids that I do about pet collecting and in-game tributes: I may not understand them, but let people enjoy the things.

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also, I don’t think we can say that.

Some of my closet friends were made by talking to random people on this very game. Everyone, including people you meet anywhere else, starts off as a stranger.

Then why have LFR if people, like yourself, don’t like being in something where random strangers are passing judgement on you? Why I also said I believe LFR tends to have the most toxic environment in WoW, besides maybe BGs.

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Hell no.

My guild is neither casual nor hardcore.
We are not the best but we are not the worst either.

We are just 5/12 Mythic
And we have Ra-den at 56%.

If it weren’t for the fact that we can SUFFER and HAVE FUN on Mythic then we would have stopped playing 5 months ago.


If you are trying to go down this road then why even have difficulty options for raids? Just make them like the old raids where some bosses were hard and others were easy. To this day my fondest memories are going through t5 (SSC and TK) during TBC. Those raids had a good mix of encounters and I felt more accomplished downing their respective end bosses than anything that followed (illidan, KJ, etc). Honestly this model I think would fail in the world today… but nothing I do anymore ever can live up to the feeling I had when doing progression through t5.

It’s always fascinating how quickly the process that comes from someone starting as a complete stranger, to being an acquaintance, to being a close friend seems to feel.

Feels like you’ll be joining a new guild, or having a new person join your guild, and then a year or two have passed and you’re making plans to meet up for New Years.


Call me a cynic but as long as there’s human beings playing this game, I highly doubt this will happen.

Additionally, I feel like they should spend more time on reworking LFR instead of worrying about mythic raiders so that the casuals who don’t engage in guild raids can have a piece of content that is not the equivalent of a moldy sandwich. The biggest problem I find with LFR is that people don’t know or don’t look up the mechanics even via the adventure journal. So a way to summarize key mechanics via a short tutorial/visuals might be helpful for starters.

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That is true for ANY random group in dungeons, raids, etc. If you can queue you will always have a large portion that does not care and will give as little effort as possible. They can do that because they can always get in ANOTHER group should someone call them out and boot them since the game puts them in a group.

It is impossible to make any queued content decent because human nature is what it is.

Some of the most toxic experiences I’ve ever had in this game have been on these forums and in LFR. Mythic is one of the few areas that doesn’t have the anonymity that enables people to be rude and toxic.


They can still be very toxic in the form of elitism. Yes being good matters in mythic but I have seen it play out unprofessionally and inappropriately many times. Mythic raiders have their bad apples the same as any group

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I understand but the only reason they should try to make things work for LFR is because there’s a much larger number of people involved who did not choose the people that they were grouped up with. This is the biggest difference between a m+ pug group and LFR. LFD doesn’t have the problems that LFR faces because it’s much faster paced and you can still cheese through it without having to wait hours for a kill.

Elitism is not something exclusive to Mythic. We have forum elitists.


Elitism is a funny thing because people will blow up about it more if it comes from a raider, but it exists everywhere. Some just choose to look away in some areas it exists and refuse to in others.

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That right there… I dont care about CE. I do care about the suffering and fun.

Of course it isn’t. Elitism can take many forms and is not bad if appropriately placed. It becomes bad when people insult or demean others for not being as good. Benching someone who lacks ability is fine. Calling them trash and making fun of them is not. Guild behavior with other guildies is usually fine… it is when you get in pug groups for something that you see the unproductive behavior that usually accompanies elitism.

Heroic back in the day was not as easy as heroic is now. Normal was probably more comparable to heroic now. Clearing a whole raid was not expected by many casual guilds.

In all of the online games I’ve played, the single biggest driving factor of toxicity is having teammates (or enemies) who are faceless PuG’s who are matched with you purely because of the system.

It’s a lot easier to see people as not being actual people who can make mistakes when you’ll never see them again.

Spending 6-9 hours a week with someone does wonders for humanizing them.


They design one difficulty and then adapt it to create others. The work involved with creating an extra difficulty level is minimal compared to the cost of the basic raid.

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Unless that’s how their guild jokes around and communicates with each other. There are a lot of people that communicate with much more thick skin than others. Not everyone sees that as a problem

That said, that’s not something I witness much of ata ll in organized raiding. Pug heroic and stuff? Yeah definitely. But not Mythic.

Mythic raiders play with eachother for 3 to 12 to over 16 hours a week. There’s comradery there that you can’t get anywhere else in the game.

Not everyone treats other people badly because they know they’re from another server. You do you though.

This is true because they changed the names of the difficulty modes. LFR - Flex - Normal - Heroic was the original setup of the 4 difficulties we have. It became LFR - Normal - Heroic - Mythic. So yes heroic now is what normal was.