Mythic raiding, is it worth developer time?

I don’t even know what you mean by exclusive loot. You get the same iLvl from a certain level of PVP box and you get the same iLvl from your weekly M+ box. Anyone can do Mythic. We are far past the days of it being hard to get into.


I am not a mythic raider at all. it is fun to mess with it at the end of expansion.

Why is classic popular? It’s raiding is on LFRs level.

Not that I want mythic removed, I don’t, I’m just not buying that the game would die.


Official Classic has only been out for a year. Retail raiding… much longer. That said, if you think Classic raiding is more popular than retail raiding… well…

They’re very different demographics. Most of the people that play Classic wouldn’t be playing retail anyway. It’s popular because it has a different market.

i dont think this is true at all. Classic is completely unrecognizable from retail. How the game functions is different from leveling to professions to raiding.

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You can go look at classic vs retail parse count if you want on WCL.

They measure their class parses in millions not thousands.

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I personally think Mythic Raiding is a much better use of dev time than LFR. But I don’t want either to be removed.

People have wildly varying skill and interest levels in raiding in WoW. Should give everyone an outlet to do the content. Some people just want to get through it, see it and move on and some want to go through extreme difficulty and push their classes as hard as they can.

Just let everyone have their fun.


Cosidering that the Mythic raiding scene is WoW’s most dedicated group of players, producing most guides and content in the community, as well as the most-watched WoW content currently available in the form of the race to world first…

Yes. Yes it is worth the dev’s time.


Mythic raiders don’t care about LFR. It’s “casuals” demanding its removal.


New raids sure do not. Old ones do because they continue to be farmed over and over because that is how gear progression works in Classic and there is 2x as many people per raid group. In Retail, once a raid is done people stop going to it until they can solo it for tmog/mounts.

Currently, both AQ dungeons have sub 50k total parses.

AQ is only open on about 3 servers per region and has only been open for 3 days on those servers.

Maybe look at BWL since it is/was the current tier?

But i like doing islands… It’s easy turn your brain off and do stuff.

Mythic isn’t for everyone but I do find it fun.

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You’re missing the point. Old raids are meant to be repeated in Classic, so their numbers never stop increasing. Retail is different. Retail wants you to do the earlier difficulties of the same raid and then work your way up to Mythic, so the old raids stop having parses contributed. The people that did Rag at the start are still doing Rag now. Nobody is going back and doing Uldir because that isn’t how gear progression works on retail. There are way more catch up mechanics.

That’s not even getting into how much more community driven it is. Its popularity is because of the people playing it more so than the end game itself. Retail is far, far different in that regard in that everyone is taught to be looking out for themselves

And I’m not saying Classic isn’t popular, but people play Classic because it’s Classic. If the same difficulty of raids were released in Retail, are you trying to say those people would then go over to Retail?

Why aren’t Normal participation numbers massive then?

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Will OP find the strength to overcome the 1% gap?
Looking for Raid, is it worth developer time?
Will Rastilin come back to call it a slap in the face?

Find out next time on General Discussion Z.


He got yamchaed

I’m just saying that if shadowlands didn’t have mythic raiding I don’t think the game would end.

I don’t want it removed.

And BWL is the current raid and is 100% applicable to Ny’alotha. It’s not an old raid being grinded anyway like your MC to Uldir comparison.

In a few weeks once AQ is open on all/most servers that will be the case.

Honestly I question the purpose of LFR now a days since before it made sense not having Flex Raiding, but now since they have Flex raiding, where you can bring in an odd number to raid and how accessible Normal content is, I just don’t get it.

And before someone goes “LFR is easier and accessible”, that’s debatable. Countless times, even when someone chimes in after a couple of wipes to do X/Y/Z, completely ignored. Like watching someone beat down a door instead of just using the key. Also I swear, other than random BGs that’s where I’ve ran into the cesspool of toxicity of the WoW community.

Lastly I get it’s for people who don’t join guilds or want to “talk” to people, and I’m not trying to tell people how to play, but it makes me question why play a Massive Multiplayer Game, if you’re never going to talk with anyone and make friends? Even in guilds where we failed doing raids, we still had fun because we enjoyed each others company.

Rank-pushing arena play probably has the lowest % of players doing it. There’s a good amount of guilds that do mythic progression, not just the big guilds like Limit and Pieces that you see at the start of every tier.

They’re going to balance it because it exists. It’d be very unwise for them to allow it to exist, whilst simultaneously refusing to balance it.

You don’t seem to realize that, realistically, mythic raiding gives Blizzard more resources to put into WoW. Generally, top-end mythic raiders are some of the biggest streamers WoW has - They generate massive amounts of publicity, especially when the Race to World First comes around. More publicity, more people subscribing for the first time, or resubscribing if their account is down. More subscriptions, more money. Money = Resources

We would see less item level bloat and power bloat, that’s true. I don’t think removing mythic would make the game friendlier for everyone, though. It’d likely just push some mythic raiders out of the game entirely, and the rest would end up integrating themselves into heroic guilds, with the same mindsets they retained from mythic raiding.

Mythic+ allows only five people. If you got rid of mythic raiding, there would be no challenging raid content in the game. There’d be nothing around to challenge groups of more than five people - Heroic is not difficult, especially for mythic-quality raiders.

I assume you mean “Would WoW be better without mythic raiding?” To which I can firmly state: No. It would not. WoW would be worse without mythic raiding. Blizzard would end up with less resources, challenging raid content would no longer exist, and the game would take a hit both population-wise and publicity-wise.

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Eh, well end is a strong way of wording it. Plenty of old games are still technically alive… they’re just… you know, dead inside. And that’s what I think would happen to WoW. Too much of the connection to this game depends on the depth of its PvE content. Without it, people lose interest when they’re offline and online.

So why should people with a variety of different personalities not want to be just like you claim to be?

Gee, I can’t imagine. I’m not into hanging out with people who pass judgment on strangers they have never met and know nothing about. Clearly you are, so stay the course.