Mythic+ Progression Changes Now Live and More Coming Soon

The end up in your spellbook under the General tab

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You hit the nail on the head. I could not have said better myself. This 1000x this.

At some point you have to try learning the game. Do you just want to walk up to stuff and just auto attack? You guys are removing the game element and turning this into a looter style movie on rails.

Can you guys actually make raiding drop more crests? It would pair wonderfully with these changes.


I’m saying it needs a better feedback system so people can learn to better play the game, what are you talking about?

Yep, called it like a month ago, people are just “Why would I do M+2+6 if I can do delves” and when they want to get next lvl gear and/or crests they get wall stomped with zero knowledge of the dungeons.

Also, no one will get invited to a M+7 dung with sub 500 rating but with Glory of the Delve achieve :joy:

It is, and it sucks, the point in removing old afixes was to somwhat ease the mechanics and key but developers introduced an afix way more punishing.

As a BM main, I can understand you.
/cries in hunter :smiling_face_with_tear:

You go into a feedback system, which there is already one in place called death and repairs. Then you proceed to go into detail about less buttons. They tried less buttons and it didn’t work out crazy well. Also, you murder any complexity in the game and absolutely gut classes removing abilities. This game is in a state where it would be hard to make it easier. When I started playing in 04, we had nothing to tell us what to do or how to play. You started reading tooltips and hitting random buttons and read quest text. Now your buttons glow for you streamlining your rotation, tons of addons to simply complex rotations and boss mechanics and quest markers to tell you where to go and portals to every location you could ever want.

Oh look we screwed up royally and sucked off all of our esports sponsors for more than a month of the first season and now, after all our normal subscribers abandon ship, we make insignificant changes with no retroactive consolation. In other words, It’s OK everyone! Team Liquid and all the other basement dwellers got to get everything in the game and now we will just do enough to make sure you get something (instead of nothing) by the end of the season.

Those subs aren’t coming back.

Next step is Microsoft earnings call where they lay off half the blizzard staff for not turning a profit, cancel esports, and leave the game dead and stagnant. All because Ian should have been fired the moment Microsoft took the reigns.

Can I have your gold?

Death and repair is no feedback system, is a punishment system. A feedback system is details that tells you how much dps you are doing or how many interrupts/dispells were done. Warcraft logs is another feedback system where you look at CD usage, compare dps, etc.
Those are complex for the average player and external to the game (even though details run in the game). And even if the average player downloads details and see that dps bar there’s nothing telling him the wipe occured from a missed interrupt, for example. You are so used to use external and complex tools to tune your gameplay that you think this is a good user experience.

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Yes, it’s a punishment system which means feedback that you are doing something wrong and need to try something new.

Yes, it’s a bad feedback because it don’t tell you what you are doing wrong that’s the whole point

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It’s actually kind weird because any game feedback loop is at its core. It’s fundamental game theory right there. It’s not like I’m saying something unusual or completely new, it’s just basic game development, and still there are people in the wow community that finds it absurd.

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Actually the only thing that allows them to step into keys is the groups they become a part of. Those groups can handle that problem for themselves and the rest of us can continue to enjoy delves. Vet your applicants.

Yea considering you can start timing +10s with 610 gear which is the same as early mythic bosses with a comparable group and that you don’t need to time a +10 for the great vault reward. If timing was required maybe It would be a bit more M+ sided but since it’s not I don’t think it’s not comparable. Moreover, having so many mythic raid bosses being as easy early on was also a mistake in term of tuning and considering the extended loot table I think it is also fair, you cannot get a fully equipped with only the early bosses while you could with M+ vault.

People: If you can’t do the content then you don’t need the rewards. Simple as.

Blizzard: Changes it so more people can do the content.

Same people: ReEeE!

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Can we just stop with the m+ system and make dungeons progressive. Seeing the same old dungeons over and over sux. There is no sense of accomplishment or completion in the m+ system.

A complete solo experience is an “obvious” fix, Wait, I just did that by booting up Diablo 4.

Do you think it’s fun depending on tanks to know how to push buttons or dps knowing how to use theirs?

The issue with stuff your proposing is that group content relies upon group performance and removing healers from roles doesn’t change that.

Edicts of Blizzard to define what is correct would be far worse.

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You actually play that trash d4?