Mythic+ Progression Changes Now Live and More Coming Soon

Good start. Now delete Challengers Peril, remove all hook mechanics from boralus, and we’re good.


This is a positive change but honestly is not the reason myself and my wife (Healer/Tank) both just cancelled our subscriptions and quit.

While I know feedback here gets ignored, the main problem with this M+ season are the keystone level shrink, delves, the 15 second death timer affix, and class imbalance.

Delves provide gear too easily and at an item level too high. This allows people to quickly gain ilvl and then step into keys that they haven’t had to “work through the system” to learn and leads to frustration.

The shrink has created large jumps in keystone levels that are jarring and people aren’t expecting it at these levels. And the jumps require a more “Mythic level” caliber of play meaning the right kicks, using self heals, defensives, helping the healer, etc. Certain people are really good at this others aren’t.

The 15 seconds affix is a key killer. Basically you wipe and the key is dead and people leave.

For me, I’m absolutely sick and tired of hearing three words: “Not a Shaman”. I have never been declined from so many keys in my entire life and had actually people tell me flat out “you’re playing the wrong class”. The straw that broke the camels back for me personally that led me to quit was being declined from a +5 and someone said “lol play shaman”.

Toxicity sucks. It’s not worth dealing with it.

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All this changes sucks, why are nerfing m+ and crest? :slight_smile: its a MMORPG we has a hard difficulty in m+ don’t be need a nerf for ppl crying.

#pulltheripcord, save m+, delete Challengers Peril

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None of what you said falls under the umbrella of toxicity though.

Plus you have 2 keys at your disposal to start your own groups. And you can vet players without m+ experience. Ignore the high ilvl grab, and grab people with score.

Easy solution

Totally fair points. I tried to keep the toxic comments out of my own post and keep it constructive.

And yes, we can easily build our own group. But finding people who frankly don’t blame me as the healer or her as the tank when they die because they choose to tunnel is difficult. And we can’t always group together since we have real life activities that get in the way, so when I want to do a key on my own while she’s not home, I have to deal with the pugging nightmare.

Totally happy for the people enjoying M+. My experience has not been that and I would put this down as the single worst season of M+ in the history of the feature. Your experience may differ.

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Lol, ive never seen a handful of people who hate the wow community this much and are this bothered by others getting gear. If you want to gatekeep this bad maybe play classic?


Let me translate.


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Nothing he said has anything to do with gear or other people. Your level of projection is quite telling

Let me translate

Oh, you here to take more L’s and say “get gud” lol.

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You’re going to come back with the easiest key this season? But yeah, you know which packs are a problem, time your defensives accordingly.

Well at least youve got enough upstairs to realize youre not good enough to handle the middle affix.

I applaud you for that

Can we get gilded crests in +11 delves or something??? To give us A. A reason to do them and have some sort of progression and B gives us a non rng method to level up our vault gear.

So “get gud” lol. Save yourself and everyone time here. Its all you have to say.

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Because its the best, quickest, and most straightforward solution lol

Nothing more telling about a persons skill than “make this easier for me!!”

Love how youre saying everyone else is crying when youve been doing it nonstop for 3 weeks lol the irony

You not being able to read is not my problem. You having a mental breakdown over others getting gear is also not everyone else’s problem. Will you cry this hard when more changes happen soon?

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what a pillow fight we got going on here


I’m just laughing at him. Guy was wrong about everything, still wont admit it and think telling people to “get gud” is the answer. I gotta head out but if you check back in a few hours you should be able to see about 45 new post of his like that. To be honest I feel a bit bad for him, clearly has some issues that other people getting gear in a video game bothers him this much.

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When you time a 10 (used to be 20s) you unlock a teleport ability directly to the dungeon. The portals all share an 8hr CD that resets when you complete a m+ dungeon.

The underlying problem is that the current state of the game is still extremely against the average player (which is the most of the player base). There’s too much spell bloat for classes in a try to add complexity to rotation but that makes it hard to perform well while making it impossible to balance things.

Then you pair it with a terrible in-game feedback system. You mess up stuff and there’s no clue what it was unless: someone tells you, which is rare, an addon tells you or you just watch 30 minute videos and read guides to understand what is going on. That is, the entire feedback system is outsourced and usually not done in due time.

So, the average player not only gets confused with all the buttons + doing mechanics but he also has no idea what he’s doing wrong, he just gets punished time and time again by kicks, curses and not getting invited to content. This creates all the “bad players” that the 20% top keeps saying is the problem. “You got hit the dummy”, “you got to have this WA”, “did you watch the video of the fight?”, “Your DBM should be screaming for you to do this aren’t you paying attention?”, “what’s this s*** dps?”, etc.

There’s no use to adjust difficulty and rewards while the game don’t provide enough feedback for players to perform well on the game’s challenges while playing the game. A lot of people spend more time on guides, videos, simulations and dummies than actually doing the dungeon and raids, it’s crazy.

If you manage to get rid of all the skill bloat and have an actual feedback system so the players are taught to be better instead of a constant punishment for not spending enough time learning out of the game, then you can ramp up the difficulty. Because you can do those m+ right now in a much lower ilv than people are doing but most can’t use their class at their fullest and you compensate that with ilv, dungeon nerfs, lower gear drop requirements, etc.

And there will always be someone to complain. The high end feels their reward is lower now since everyone got to do it after nerfs and the average player, if didn’t quit the season already, still doesn’t know how to perform and will probably be carried by a bored top end alt.

Less buttons → easier to balance, easier to learn (can still be hard to master), more attention to mechanics
Prompt in-game feedback and robust training areas → players learn by playing, learning becomes fun, more skilled player base, can rise the challenge without feeling overwhelming

Once you get a decent feedback system half of your problems are solved but then you get to another problem: party attrition. On the current system one person mistake exponentially penalizes everyone and on m+ it is mainly the tank/healer duo the most penalized. So, in the current system, the bigger the difficulty and the worse the players skill the worse time the tank/healer will have. And that explains the shortage of those. Depending on those factors a key can be more stressful than fun for those roles.

A complete removal of the healer role is a more obvious fix. The tanks should be self sufficient as long as they are popping defensives correctly (what can be harder depending on pull) and the dps is using enough CC. The dps should have defensives and self heal enough to allow for a few mistakes (depending on m+ level/raid difficulty). This way, most of the deaths would come from personal mistakes (you would still need to coordinate CCs though) which from a game and fun perspective makes more sense. You could even improve the support role that could trade reduced mistakes impact for dps.

This won’t just save the M+ but the entire end game content which is the content players will be for most of the time of the expansion.

Right now, most content feels overwhelming for the mass and the main content for the expansion feels gatekept away. So they will just spam alts to play the part they manage too (warband helps with that) or just quit the season while waiting for the next content wave they manage to do (for a week or two).