Mythic+ Progression Changes Now Live and More Coming Soon

If we zoom out (and change the subject) …

I would agree with you … IF the intent was to use Raiding as the starting point of M+.

But it’s not.

There’s obviously a HUGE overlap in those communities. But they’re meant to be their own things.

I know wayyyyy too many people hardcore into M+, and their loudest cry is having to bother with Raiding for certain upgrades.

While many Raiders enjoy the ease of the infinite repeatability of M+ loot, they hate doing M+ on principle.

So… I think I disagree with what you’re trying to assert there. But if I’m being honest, it seems like a different argument entirely so seems better for me to just table it for now.

No, dont ask for loot.

Thank you all for the updates and tuning. We appreciate it!

Please don’t forget about Holy Priests though as healing in 5man content is really rough compared to raid and other healers. We definitely could use heal buffs in mythic+ but haven’t really been touched at all this expac. Most of our aoe healing is useless to press. Prayer of Healing does like 100k when our HP bars are 6 million, and it’s not even an instant cast. CoH is not worth it either. We have to rotate single targets to keep people alive and hope the passive heals can keep someone from dying long enough before we can target them. Some special heals like Holy Word: Serenity doesn’t lift the HP bars like it used to. Poison dispell/interrupt would be amazing.

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non meta pug players

This is needed.


Ok, tell me how you supposed to survive double charge+bleed from packs in mists maze if you have no defensive or immunity available…

Ahh yes, free loot for everyone. This is definetly a fix, so now they will complain they are stuck at 626 and can’t get myth gear. Please blizz make it drop on a 6 or 7 so i can progress, but i dont want to get better at your game.

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Isnt that what keys 2-6 are for though? To grt bettrr/practice so you dont make those mistakes and die?

I mean if we’re being honest here, the change from a 6 to a 7 is only the 10% scaling from difficulty. Its not adding in a new mechanic/affix to handle.

Now im not saying mistakes dont happen, but by 7s you should have learned what you can bulldog through and what you should actually try handling properly

Thats exactly what lower keys are for. Lesrning the basics of the dungeon. Higher tiers are for when you know the mechanics and want a CHALLENGE. Not free loot handed to you because you asked ocer and over.

People need to go and actually learn the fights and mechanics, and not just face roll/die until they get there. But thats apparently to much to ask now a days.

Thank you!

Oh really?

How many 0 death runs are logged past 7 on a daily basis?

A single death doesnt cause you to miss the timer

Can time easily with 8 nearly every 10

we’re not talking about SINGLE deaths here because by your logic, “practicing” pre 7’s should be enough to not have deaths, excluding RNG, difficulty added and so on

There’s really no guarantee they stay even if this was how it was on release.

Even people that don’t even run mythic + are logging off we’re getting close to the cya next season or expansion in general time points

The real mythic+ affix is maintenance


counterpoint: yes, they should. that’s how people learn.

Correct. Theres 11-12-13 keys logged with 0 deaths. Theres also keys down at the 7 range that have 10 deaths and are still timed.

I think my last 7 Mists had 7-8 deaths and that was still timed

Would you say a Mythic 10 is equivalent in difficulty to any of the early Nerub Raid Bosses?