bruh what? Mythic raid level gear shouldn’t be handed out like candy - majority of the player base just got spoon fed last season.
Now you guys are gonna whine and whine until you’re given gear that only mythic raiders and high end mythic + people honestly should be able to achieve if they are good enough.
lol what? The entire heroic raid is way easier than any +7/8 at this point except brood. I’d also rather do 4/8 mythic raid bosses over a +10 any day of the week.
Raid is far easier than M+ this time around, and it’s not close.
Leave the javelins alone, their already nerfed enough as it stands, there’s no point to nerfing them more by not allowing them to stack. All that’s going to lead to is PuG’s wasting them because it’s going to take quite a bit of coordination for them now to properly be used. I get as well that is a simple I’ll throw it at this time and so forth, but oh my God some pugs at times are impossible to talk to, or even get to listen to you.