Mythic Plus

Meanwhile, I’m over here just wanting them to revert their change to stops. Kicking into stuns is the most depressing thing.

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It isn’t, there’s still work involved, ergo it’s not absent of work.


It is.

Welfare: Noun

    1. the state of doing well especially in respect to good fortune, happiness, well-being, or prosperity
  • 2.a aid in the form of money or necessities for those in need
  • 2.b an agency or program through which such aid is distributed

Welfare: Adjective

    1. of, relating to, or concerned with welfare and especially with improvement of the welfare of disadvantaged social groups
    1. receiving public welfare benefits

Sorry, but looks like there’s nothing in here about “work”.

Glad we got that covered and how you have been wrong for the last hour. Now you can shut it.

I wonder if you work to receive it, or if it’s just given to you without the aforementioned.

Word games. You lost.

You could just answer the question you know.

Nah don’t need to, word police, I already proved you wrong by copy pasting from the dictionary after you were trying to correct my speech for the last hour. You should at least know what the words mean if you are going to do that.

Maybe don’t harp on a single word next time.

This whole time I’ve been saying it’s not welfare because you need to work to receive it.
I’d bet it’s pretty important, whether or not work is involved in obtaining it, with that in mind.
Or you could just say you don’t care again and trundle along the chessboard like a pigeon.

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This whole time you were arguing with me saying it’s not welfare because you need to work for it. Which means you were saying welfare doesn’t and can’t require work. Stop playing games. You lost.


It doesn’t, it’s alms, charity, it’s literally given.
You linked the definition yourself.

It says nothing about the absence of work. You are trying real hard to insert that because you lost. You must be fuming in the corner. Lmao. So funny how you engaged with me and focused your entire energy on correcting my speech. Word police.

You should apply to Liquid and Echo because those guilds sure couldn’t clear the raid without mythic gear.

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It says it’s alms for the disadvantaged.
Alms are charity, are given, require no work.

Don’t you have to call, drive, or find a way to get said charity? That’s work under your definition.

Sorry Mr. Word Police. Looks like I gotcha once again.

Often they’ll mail it right to you.
But hey, go for it, try walking through a dungeon to the end by yourself and see what you get.

How are they going to mail it if you don’t work on calling them, filling out applications, ect?

According to you it’s not welfare if they have to work at all for it. That included “assembling the group” and “going to the dungeon”.

Sorry Mr. Word Police looks like your own words came back to bite you.

So, does this mean you consider that work?

I don’t, but you do. Don’t try to gotcha me. I already won on definition and using your own interpretation.

No, actually, I don’t. Specifically the walking bit, to be completely clear. I don’t equate it to assembling a group and working to obtain something.
You just think that I do.

How can you call “going to the dungeon” work, but not finding charity organizations and filling out applications? You are literally contradicting yourself now. You must be fuming in that corner of yours Mr. Word Police. Maybe next time you wont try and control peoples speech while being wrong about it.