Mythic plus

I find the last 2 afflixs annoying. I dint like when i have to change my talents for an afflic. The only places i find hard healing is 3rd ice boss of hoi and first boss of bh

This season is better then S1. But the vault 20 still is annoying. I also donā€™t like the alt gearing very much

Iā€™m running M+ a little more than I did last season. Healing is painful, but the dungeons themselves are fine. Blizzard did a good job balancing them this time around.

Other than raid night and one weekly key, I donā€™t log in at all.

Responding to OP

Iā€™ve been running just as many or even more mythics as I did in season 1. I run mythics exclusively and donā€™t raid at all since I returned to wow for dragonflight.

I main a paladin healer and have done up to +19 in season 2 so far. Iā€™ve also played a resto druid. Iā€™m not as advanced as some who are pushing 20+ already but Iā€™ve found the new affixes to be challenging and engaging.

Itā€™s nothing frustrating that I canā€™t deal with even if Iā€™m the only one cleansing or CCing. Thereā€™s always been ways to manage the affixes and it makes me be more mindful of when I use my abilities. Sometimes we just LOS if needs be.

I primarily pug my keys and have never had the affixes be a final deciding factor on group comp yet.

All in all I find the new affixes to be pretty fun. They make me think more and take away from the tedium of running the same dungeons repetitively.

Also as to the boss tuning, the first week was pretty awful, especially the NL worm boss but currently it feels pretty ok to me

Im running fewer, not due to anything with the season, but Iā€™ve been a bit busier irl this season so far. Personally Ive found the new affixs a cakewalk so far, but I do agree some bosses are definitely still overtuned, but that could just be cause Iā€™m not used to them yet.

Raid is fantastic this season for sure. But I am slamming keys. Well as many as I have time for. I ran about 16 keys this week and times the majority of them. My time in pugs is split about half pugs and half guild groups. I personally besides raging enjoy the new affix changes. When done correctly they feel like a non affix. I like how itā€™s not all ā€œhealer affixā€ every week like S1. I also feel that besides one or two things the keys feel very good to heal. There is generally enough damage out to keep the healer active. I do find my self spending less time in cat form than I did last season which is nice. I think a lot of the rot bosses are fun like the dragon in VP and the lady in HoI. Itā€™s kinda neat to get up to 135k to 140k hps and see those numbers that dps get to see. Over all this season has been generally one of my favorite to heal in M+.

Iā€™ve hit the point where Iā€™m only doing M+ for specific items a lot earlier thanks to the upgrade system.

Less? Havenā€™t run mythic dungeon content since Legion last, I remember. I stick with Time walkers when they are up.

Im running them more than I ever have. Mostly because I dont raid anymore. By ā€œmore than everā€ I mean I did 5 total this week. +11/12 range.

Im trying to find a balance where I can enjoy WoW but still be there for my family. So far its been a success. Its much easier to squeeze in a M+ run when I get the time.

Even though ive been pretty casual with it, ive had some good success. I like it. My ilvl is 420 now (kek) and I know thats not bragworthy, but its a lot better than I thought id have at this point.

Basically only playing for raid and/or mythic+ nights. Here and there Iā€™ll get the fleeting urge to do a little bit more like get the snail mount down in the underground. Found out you can use snail pets to boost that grind and as it happens, Iā€™ve been royally sick the last few days so some mindless pet leveling in my secret spot was a decent time waste.

Really wish Blizzard would just pick a customer type they want to cater to and then go hard on building the game JUST for that type and if others like it, then so be it. Game feels so watered down and no matter what content stream it is, it doesnā€™t feel like any given patch or season gives enough.

Affixes so far are way better than last season. People will cry no matter what.

i am running the same amount

Had the same thought, who cares what a guy getting carried through affixes thinks of them?

Well Iā€™ve done 103 keys this season already soā€¦ not really

Because warrior is a new class and hasnā€™t had to deal with other actually annoying affixes for the past 7 years + right?

Just because we canā€™t do anything about it this week donā€™t mean we donā€™t want to.

The current affix is a joke. Compared to what explosive was to a healer last season.

Using mouse over macros and other add-ons to keep track of the effects.

Incorporeal and afflicted are literally a cake walk and anyone complaining itā€™s too hard should just go play a single player game or something else.

I only do one or two a week. I almost never get gear from them so Iā€™m still one of the least geared in the guild because I donā€™t have time to spam them constantly.

The new affixs have made runs alot easiter. Not one cancer week so far (s1 weeks were almost all cancer)

To bad in doing so you get alot of braindead tosspots runing keys higher then they should. Seen quite a few runs get screwed by noobs that donno how to do there class

Iā€™ve been a Warrior main since 2009, itā€™s not like I have vitriol for the class. The fact that Warrior cannot help these new affixes people invalidates your opinion of them in my opinion.

Yes they are easy, and yes you just have others in your group handling them. Of course they are a joke for you.

The only time they are hard is when you have other things that have to be dispelled and no one else in the group will help with Afflicted. Rushing Wind comes to mind.

Didnā€™t know we were locked to one character. Also the mechanic isnt just for healers. My mythic team runs 3 dispels. Tank healer and another DPS.

If I could do something Iā€™d be doing it.
I was in incorporeal week

But donā€™t act like this is something completely difficult in the levels of explosive. It isnā€™t. This is coming from and alt hacer that also deals with tank and healer stuff