Mythic plus

I am running less so far this season, but not bc of the game or the affixes. It’s because the season released during the ending of the school year for my kiddo and we had a lot going on. Now that summer vacation has started, I’ll be on more. The little bit I have done though, I pushed higher faster than the previous season.

Between my tank and I the new affixes have been fairly easy and every group we’ve pugged has had dps doing what they can (if they can) to help with them. If they can’t then their focus was on other priority interrupts/stuns.

Now, I am kind of dreading my Brackenhide run this week, which I believe is all I need to finish KSM. I’m hearing some horror stories about the first bosses. But until I get in there I won’t know.

Been running more in the last two weeksthan I have the entire expansion I think.

Some bosses still need nerfs on Tyrannical.

If pressing one extra button every 30 seconds is hard for ya. I suggest you don’t play this game.

Tbh Blizzard has done such an awful job with PVP over the last few seasons that the past couple days I’ve considered maybe trying to get my first KSH instead of getting KSM then quitting to arena the rest of the season like I usually do.

May even find an AoTC guild for fun runs.

So is raid….

And pvp….

Ive ran way more, fewer affix made it possible.

Afflicted was kind of fun as a dps/tank player. Tossing out dispells and knocking the affix out within a second of their spawn was way more fun than people overlapping CC on Inorporeal mobs.
Otherwise I’m digging this season. I normally drag out KSM for a long time while I get the gear pieces from each dungeon I want. I’ll get it this week though. I could have done it last week easily, but I’ve been farming FH for the trinket we do not speak of. Still hasn’t dropped for me above like a 7. Got a decent raid trinket though so I’ll knock out the last 90 or so score for KSM on Tuesday for sure, then go back to FH farm… :laughing:

Running more actually but like last season now that I got over 2500 rating I’m going to slow down a bit.

I’m running less but that’s mostly because you gear stupidly fast and don’t need to run as many this season.

Also a few games have launched in the past month and are eating up a lot of my time.

This season is significantly easier than S1 with the new affixes and removal of third (fourth, if you could Fort/Tyran) affix.

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Just ran a +19 last night as a holy priest and almost timed it. That was my 3rd m+ this season as I don’t particularly feel the need to run them every week anymore. It felt fine, and the affixes were barely noticeable (unlike previous seasons). It’s not hard to make a mouseover macro for my dispel, and I definitely find these new affixes SO much better than grievous.

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What affix are you talking about that sucks so bad? I dps as ele sham and I usually solo the cleanses and heal affix and the other new affix that spawns adds as well is just a quick CC that’s not broken or can be los’d. When I do go resto on occasion I usually find myself not having any trouble healing and will pump dps for most of the dungeon because topping off people takes maybe 6seconds at most. I think it just comes down to if your group members are situationally aware to avoid damage and use defensive CD’s . For example I’m almost always the lowest DMG taken by far in every run I’ve done. I recently had a run where I only took 154k of avoidable damage overall.

Running less. Between CC still timegated and D4 release I’ve been feeling burnt out. I’ll probably just hit 3k on all 3 of my tanks and then unsub until season 3. Maybe play the mega-dungeon for the mount but that’s about it.

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I accept your terms :joy:

I never really did M+ past M0 and I think a 3 back in BFA and the only reason I was doing that was the Eng recipe for the last boss in Motherload. Other than that I never touched M+ but this season I have been running them with guildies who are also doing them for the first time.

I think the changes Blizz made to affixes and the new gearing system are great and actually made a bunch of us want to actually put in the effort.

M+ is all I do. Just under 2300 right now, which isn’t saying much, but I’m proud of myself and the two guys I run with for getting this far without a consistent group. Pugs have been very hit or miss.

Raiders for a bit before drama shot that in the foot. Trying to find a new guild in need of a tank but those spots are naturally hard to come by. If I don’t find one, ah well, at 440 already.

More because the upgrade system makes keeping multiple characters “up to date” significantly easier and thus allows for more variety of play.

Running the same as the last few season. As a healer I’m liking these ones. This weeks is hard to see tho.

i’ll still push as high as i can get, but i’m taking a way different approach this season…i def got burned out from Thundering last season…

hibernation time :sleepy:

Before that first boss, tell the group to use a defensive and health pot when they get the bleed. The bleed goes on everyone and only goes away if they are healed above 90 percent. Dwarves can racial it off and Dracthyr can Cauterizing Wound if talented.

Also tell DPS to kill the totem immediately to free the healer so they can dispell the tank.

One of the mobs will start a charge onto someone in the group with a large arrow, make sure the tank intercepts it.

If someone is focused they need to move away and not eat the whole channel.

As long as people prioritize totems, it’s not too difficult, just have dispell disease ready.

Moving from Gashtooth doesn’t really do a whole lot on the fixate since they dash on every auto anyway. It’s better to just pop a defensive and/or external and face tank it so you don’t run to narnia and potentially range the healer. It also keeps the bosses stacked for cleave to end the fight faster especially since Gashtooth is the one you definitely don’t want living the longest and getting multiple casts off.

On my monk I just cocoon whoever is targetted and pump heals into them because no one else is taking damage at that time anyway.

Ideally whoever gets picked has an immunity or you have any flavor of paladin in the group to just BoP it and ignore the mechanic entirely similar to Fenryr in HoV.