Mythic plus

Are you running mythics less this season.
I know i am since these new afflixs suck as a healer and a few bosses still seemed way overtuned. I am personally having more fun in the raid


cleanse has been hotkeyed to “1” since I first used keybinds, in Sunwell. I am very happy to get to use it more.


I’m running keys a bit more this season, honestly.

Last season had dumb affixes, and a lot of the dumb bosses will probably get nerfed partway into the season. Pushing ain’t really something folks do this early on.

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About the same for me , the past 2 weeks have been free loot for me . My detox stays on cd this week , last week my palalysis stay on cd . :man_shrugging:

I’m running more higher keys earlier than I ever have. No where near the highest Spike on the block. But got KSM week two when I normally take all season, so huge progress for me. On top of getting KSH last season I have a lot of motivation for keys on quite a few toons. Also gonna be looking into collecting some sets.

I haven’t run a single thing this season. I burnt myself out hard after M+ and 6 weeks of Timewalking on 7 characters.

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Running more this season. I like having fewer affixes to deal with, and I hated the S1 affix.


More for me personally. Seasonal affixes getting deleted and the gearing system really helped for me.

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Still running.

It’s amazing to me how Entangling was fine.

Then you get Afflicted and Incorporeal which have to be the most garbage affixes i’ve ever seen.


Yeah really. The only dungeons I like are freehold and VP, and I already had enough of both of them over the years. I’m not interested in gearing up again or waiting an hour for each high key to fill again or doing low keys that fill quickly with people who have no clue what their class does.

You mean the free ones like Incorporeal and Afflicted? My condolences to your party members that have the unfortunate luck of grouping up with you.


I’m running tons of keys still as a healer. I don’t love afflicted (bad visuals, strict comp requirements), but it’s pretty easy overall at least. I like incorporeal and entangling quite a bit. I think S2 affixes >>>> S1 affixes.

I’ll probably run fewer total keys this season than last, but that’s exclusively because of the upgrade system. I just don’t need the gear the same was as before–it’s the fourth week, and I won’t need to spend another crest outside of crafted items, and I was relatively slow on filling a couple slots. 447 dungeon loot is all very minor upgrades for me already, so I don’t expect to be farming 20s for vault for nearly as long this season.

You can dislike things without also thinking they’re hard.

Also, your opinion on the easyness of these affixes is pretty dubious since you can’t interact with either of them as a warrior.


Yes, I am. I don’t feel motivated to run keys, but I know I’ll be rushing to get KSM towards the end of the season/final week

M plus is terrible. Same content over and over again.

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Zelda and now Diablo 4 are taking a lot of my gaming time which I would otherwise put into keys. But the season isn’t over. And I already have KSM.

Way more this season. Farming those wyrm crests

Way more this season. No seasonal affix and the removal of a few sucky ones makes this season a lot more fun.


I thought Incorp was bad, but afflicted is fine. Incorp was too punishing.

I’m running less but not because of the affix. The affixes aren’t as hard as people make them out to be.