Problems with m+ and why pugging feels awful:
-Going from legion/bfa version of m+ where the focus was on pulling big and efficiently to finish on time as opposed to now where its doing a lot of repetitive interrupt mechanics feels really bad for the pug scene
-Dungeons just feel annoying to do now, more like a chore and less like a fun game mode to me personally. The changes in TWW to interrupts and the death penalty have felt terrible overall.
Examples of things I’d like to see for m+:
-Change the xalatath affix to fun affixes we used to have like Awakened and Reaping, these can remain every season. Reaping just added more trash to the dungeons, it was an easy but fun affix. Awakened allowed for different routes in every dungeon.
-Either tone down the amount of interrupt mechanics we have or change how interrupts work in dungeons.
For example, instead of a cast doing damage to the group or one shotting someone on a higher key if its missed, maybe it can instead do very little damage but apply a group wide debuff that gives you movement speed reduction and damage reduction for x seconds, stacking to x amount. This would make missing interrupts still feel punishing but not lethal, making them feel less like ‘chore’ mechanics. Possibly even adding in an affix that makes interrupting give your group a small buff ie movement speed increase would be fun as well.
Realistically, the pug scene for m+ has only gotten worse as m+ has drifted towards being mechanically intensive rather than just having a major focus on efficiency and pulls. People are also leaving keys very early now due to the changes to the death penalty in TWW, and tanks are in rare supply as the tank changes did not work out.
On that subject, would also love to see a defensive prune for dps (that also applies to pvp). This has gotten really out of hand and its clear dungeon designers/devs who do tuning are having trouble making mechanics threatening without making them spiky or one shot centric.