Mythic Plus is going in the Wrong Direction

Yes, all that is doable.

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Then don’t do a +8.

Do a lower key that you feel more comfortable with, and would enjoy.

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You’re right that it’s going in the wrong direction, but doing this would push it even further in the wrong direction.

What M+ needs is more mechanics that get introduced as the key levels go up, with less damage/HP scaling per key level.

Then there’s always gonna be that elitist prick guy like this. Like I don’t know the direction of the game and M+ unless I experience it at the even higher levels sweatiness.

It’s not fun for me. The spec struggles to keep up with people who make mistakes, especially on bosses where the mechanics tick and hit for millions of damage.

It’s going the wrong direction. Clearly.


Disc priest is about preventing damage beforehand rather than healing after the fact. If you’re not utilizing Rapture shields, Pain Sup, Barrier, etc. in advance, yeah you might have a bad time. That also means you’re not playing the spec correctly and you need to get better.

Just because you’re bad at it and don’t have fun doesn’t mean it’s “going in the wrong direction”. It sounds like you picked up what reddit said was the best spec, had no idea how to play it, and then threw your hands up in frustration.


This sounds like you’re trying to play disc as if you were playing holy, which is something that it’s been pretty bad at ever since disc arrived at its current identity in Legion.

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You can leave key if you think its gona take so long.

As for the rest of the post, I don’t think m+ is anywhere challenging to like +12 forward.

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Faux is in the small and shamed minority that believe the INFINITELY SCALING SYSTEM’S difficulty should be mechanically complex and annoying to deal with, probably because it makes them feel big when they can talk down and call it a “skill issue” when others don’t find it fun.

You have raid for interesting and complex mechanics since it DOESN’T SCALE INFINITELY.


I’m honestly suspicious whether Blizzard is putting out false run data or not. My btag list has never been more barren and it’s the only time I’ve ever seen people who are successfully doing the content come out and be like ‘season feels bad.’

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Shields and barriers dont help. I just ran Stonevault and the players I grouped with didn’t know you had to use the void rift to get rid of the void corruption. It’s not possible to heal through it. No matter what I did. The players did not learn after I typed it in chat. What do you suggest I could have done? The warrior left after the 2nd wipe. The fight before that, the cluster-of-a-boss had magmawaves on top of orbs on top of shrapnel and they died to that as well.

As a healer, I should be able to keep people alive for making mistakes. Then if they make the mistake again and again, maybe not. But this is millions upon millions of damage going out. It’s not a L2P from my side. It’s a miserable experience.


Yeah those are called mechanics. You’re not supposed to be able to heal through people literally doing the fight incorrectly. If they die, they die. That’s their fault.

And you can. For small mistakes. Literally doing the boss encounter wrong means the person dies. That’s not your fault.

You have to find the separation between a person dying because they’re dog crap and a person dying because you didn’t do your job. As you get better, you’ll understand where that line lays. Sometimes there’s nothing you can do. That’s just the game.

If a DPS eats a frontal and goes 100-0 in a half second, that’s not my fault. They should have dodged the frontal.

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Back in Wrath, you could do anything in a PuG. I killed heroic Lich King in one.

I’m always going to find it ironic that people say “Oh, this content shouldn’t be PuG-ed” in an MMORPG of all games.

It’s doable. It always has been. Harder, but doable.

Hell, I’d argue more PuGs exist than any other group type.


I was in a +11 Mists earlier with a rogue who was complaining about not getting invited to 12s even though, and I quote, he said “I know I can do it”

He ended up with the most deaths of the run because he didn’t hit Feint or Cloak once. Not my fault if you’re eating damage and not using defensives when you need to.

I do. It’s not hard.

I use RIO to vet the groups and players before I commit to a run. If you don’t, that’s a personal problem.

Not at all.

If that was the case, they’d delete lower difficulties.

Okay. Well now we’re on to something, because this right here is the actual problem. The mechanics are not forgiving. They are over tuned. Players leave. The tank of our group toxicly proclaimed that he was embarassed to be dying in there.

you’re literally everything that’s wrong with the current design. lol. this type of sweaty behavior right here. “I use IO to Vet people and play a gate keeper on low level keys to make up for Blizzard’s poor damage scaling and outrageous hurdles they put in front of everybody for barrier to entry”

It’s such an arrogant sounding position to take. Do you even hear yourself bro?
“Just use 3rd party add-ons and websites to study people’s progress along with weak auras and spreadsheets, its a YOU problem!”

When clearly that’s the exact direction that sucks and what is pushing people away.

Not to go too much on you, I think there should be a balance between challenging and fun but this sweatiness and pushing this further the way it is and has been goin, it aint it.


No they’re not.

I’m sorry but it sounds like you’re just bad and mad.

Mass Earth Tremor, Grim Batol.

Not on an 8.

idk why you’re defending this nonsense. It’s not even in your own best interest.

There’s so much Blizzard could do to improve things.

Why 5 people? Do we have scaling or not in this game? Why can’t we do M+ with 3, or 4?
Why can’t we toggle options to remove the timer & death count? Maybe players want to do M+ and not have the added BS stress of those in there. Why when people leave can’t we backfill?

A lot of these decisions this company makes disrespects you and your time. And people shill and defend it here like it’s the only way to have this progression. No it’s not.

Open up options for people. Give more crests or something for people who elect to do things the more difficult way but you should be able to customize and have everybody agree on the group experience before you start the key. Get rid of freakin add-ons and 3rd party tools that gate keep and force your design around plug-ins instead of group communication and cohesiveness.