Mythic Plus - Deplete Players not keys

then once everyone gets “depleted”, you will see a thousand forum posts crying because they cant find anyone to play with.

Better off just deleting M+. Look at the elitist mindset it cultivates. Evidence is right here in this thread.

My gold, flasks, food and RL already gets depleted. No thanks.

Theres 0 reason for all this “3 times” nonsense. You fail a key, it depeletes. Do it again. Not everything should be easy

Nah its just people who have 0 business being in m+ want title. Dont ruin our fun because yall dont know how to dodge a swirly while hitting 1 than 2 than 1 again

Blizzard to me when I do a big pull and no interrupts go out.

I think you’d find find out that your proposal has negative impacts for people doing pugs.

Most people are more willing to join someone else’s key, because they don’t have to worry too much about depletion, this is especially true of overly geared players just farming crests in some pug’s key.

Your “solution” almost guarantees that high level players will never slum in low keys ever again. People who are already having trouble getting people to join their groups will have it even worse. People who were okay, might find themselves struggling to fill groups.

Fill times would increase overall, because some people would just be gated out of doing certain key levels at all. What happens when someone has a 2 personal key level, but no one is running 2s? Only 3?

PvP players lose rating for losing, right? If you leave a key before completion, you should lose IO. Or if the entire group can’t kill the last boss, they all lose IO.


I believe a fair compromise could be giving each key 2 uses before it depletes. I’d be interested to hear any reasons why this may not be ideal.


Mythic plus seems to be doing just fine at depleting players without directly doing so.

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I think this is reasonable

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Case in point.

Start every bullet point with “For all the…” and end it with “Hereʻs your sign!”

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I fail a keystone, a Blizzard ticket pops up in my messages

“A Depletion Specialist has been dispatched to your IP.”

sounds like it will make m+ even more toxic. if you thought not getting a invite because you arent a meta spec was bad this is going to turn that level of toxic up to a 10

Those who enjoy M+ don’t want it easy.

We want it FUN and challenging. The reward is the dopamine after pushing up and beating the timer by seconds.

I don’t see how depleting a key is “fun”. And neither does it make the game difficult. It’s just annoying forcing people to do something they’ve already beat and wasting game time. Otherwise I’d want to push keys.

Then i will simply bypass this by forming a team in LFG, add each other in the friend list so we are now ‘‘friends’’. After the key i will just delete them all unless we are doing more.

So how does this solve the problem?

Bellular had a really good video on how to make M+ better:

Worth a watch IMO

  1. I doubt that very much
  2. You shouldn’t link things which have inappropriate language in the thumbnail.

Suit yourself.

I thought the ideas in there were really well thought out and would absolutely address the very issue the OP has with the current M+ and more.