Mythic Plus Affix Changes Feedback

Per this manifesto and changelog:

Sanguine and Bolstering are widely regarded as some of the worst and most gameplay altering affixes in m+ current state and history and leaving them in feels very much in conflict with the stated goals of playing the dungeon…not the affix. TWW is on a great track to be very hype after the healing from SL that DF accomplished. Please do not ruin it by making M+ very unfun to play.

Please see the following video which summarizes most of the concerns from the community quite well:



I assume the reason they did not get rid of the hated affixes is cause some of them make you bring in different talents/Pull less.
It kinda makes sense cause alot of classes have aoe caps and some classes have no aoe caps.

if they simplify all affixes to far then only the classes with uncap aoe will be brought or the classes who can uncap and prio bosses.

i think if they are going to keep the divide in class aoe/ST design will need to be looked at if affixes get removed/redesigned.

the same reasons people hate these affixes are because they can’t (pull Bigger) they can’t do big aoe damage they have to use utility.
i think if they get rid of all affixes and we can pull 30 mobs then the classes that are 8 target capped will really dislike m+

but i think there is other affixes that can change these if they are not willing to change aoe caps or talent trees so people can prio/aoe.
they want every class to feel different. they are also using affixes i think to bridge this gap in class design for m+.

you could nerf sanguine to were it has a heal cap and can only give X amount of healing. it also srinks in size as it heals mobs. it won’t be as fatel and will lower how hard it is.
another option for sanguine is make it similar to how afflicted and incorp worked. were in can only proc once every 60 seconds on first mob that dies.

Raging simply take away were they can not be CC’ed allow them to be CC’ed if you want it to be harder make them absorb first CC cast like the Evoker spell.
if the argument is then classes with more CC’s will be taken then change raging to simply just immune to CC and thats it. low impact still could make some pulls scary but there is a not a damage factor.

Bolstering can be set to a cap on how much 1 mob can be bolstered

These could be removed or replaced but i think we still have other issues that will make alot of player base unhappy ESP if they play a class that is aoe capped or alot of there utility would be usless due to the changes.

The new kiss curse affixes leave alot to be desired. The curse seems worse then the kiss part of every one of them.
the kiss is not balanced around all classes and is worse for alot of melee’s.
as much as everyone hated season 1 Dragon flight thundering. i think that was probably one of the better kiss curse.
everyone is affected if they do it if you don’t do it you get a negative.
i think the biggest dislike with it was that group sizes are only 5 people and you needed 1 other person to clear with you.
i think the 2nd thing about it was to get biggest affect you needed to wait longer to clear.
if they made it were you got a buff after you cleared it would have been liked more.

I think a big community factor that would help is make it were if you brick a key you still get full crest from completing.
we don’t need a huge negative while pugging we are already wasting a lot of time. allow us to finish it for full reward.
timing it allows you to do a higher key plus higher ilvl ETC.

not getting to far into crest gearing issues with alts ETC.

i think the bad affixes need changed and updated these kiss curse ones need looked at to make it more balanced/fun to play with.

Aug/Veng DH classes with alot of utility need looked at hard

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I lean heavily into Quaziis pov. The new affixes aren’t going to do anything except make certain weeks avoided/the same classes still being brought. DH/Mage can do most of the new affixes.
Please do something crazy like removing the affixes and just have the key levels scale, at least for season 1!
A really neat thing that could be done is have an event each month or quarter that tests some new affix ideas instead of doing it at the start of a new expac or season. It’ll let you get a variety of feedback on many affixes instead of just a handful.
Personally, I’d prefer affixes like encrypted. That was awesome because every class/spec benefited from it and it made the comp not so fixed. You didn’t have to have a rogue or spriest to skip certain packs for example (just kill the add that gave you invis).

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The thread you are posting in was about the changes they annouced two weeks ago, which are now completely gone and replaced today.