Mythic Nerub-ar Palace Tuning Incoming - October 1

I’m not going to dig, but seeing as you already lied about season1 of df, press x to doubt

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No one would really want to see it or do it that way, gearing is part of the fun of it

Hard things are allowed to exist, not everyone needs to be able to clear mythic

There’s also a massive aura buff coming

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Not nerfing those bosses for 2 more weeks or so would have been fine, if the first 4 weren’t such pushovers.

The comp requirement for Broodmother is also crazy for a fifth boss, even with the extra gear it would be another Tindral where most guild would be stuck for +3 weeks.


I couldn’t be this much a hardcore mythic raider. My anxiety especially if I was healing would just be through the roof

I always got 3/8M early and then stopped because they always have insanely overtuned 4th bosses until they eventually nerf them like they’re doing now. That isn’t fun so I don’t bother even trying anymore. It wasn’t like this in SoO or HFC.

What? Did you reply to the wrong person?

I never said anything about it needing to be nerfed or not, just that they shouldn’t time it to support RTWF.

If it needs to be nerfed then nerf it, don’t wait for some event to end.

Psh… razageth was harder on heroic than queen

I doubt the raiders enjoy splits for days to gear up.

The real race would still be on the live realms

A tournament realm race would be boring

Anyone that thinks worm and princess are tuned appropriately for their spot in the raid isn’t pulling them.

These nerfs were needed. The Ovinax fight in itself is a design abomination. If the Dev who made it actually tried to play it themselves, they would have figured that out.

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Yo blizz balance crap that matters

And I’m saying I think they jumped the fun on massive nerfs, we have a full nerf aura coming in and they didn’t even wait for that

Gorefiend was the gatekeeper of that raid

Make the game easier, its way too hard. Too much things on ground. I just wanna blaze a bowl and smash dungeons or raids for hours on end. Once you get past the easy, its like don’t play or play and its like someone w ADHD made the levels man. Whats going on?? Yall need to chill, the Stonevault bro, that one machine boss with the mage, that junk is like what? there fire and stuff everywhere. Its nuts, its like way nuts man. Chill over there. Just put more gear, so we can dungeon crawl for the seasons.