Mythic Nerub-ar Palace Tuning Incoming - October 1

Queen’s one of those notoriously difficult on Heroic bosses.

The last such boss was… :thinking: … Sire Denathrius?


That’s the issue man, I feel like I’m playing a different game because Blizzard is doing this. Not a good feeling.

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I just have to accept that I’m not in my degenerate university days anymore, and I can’t join a raid group and stay up all night to down for AOTC in the first few weeks lol.

It’s ok I’ll get it soon :sweat_smile:

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Definitely saw that one coming.

I am perfectly fine with the tuning. I was just poking fun.

Can’ ya’ll maybe tune m+ for the normies out there that simply want to play the game?

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Aren’t they doing that with mythic esport thing too? They really should separate the versions of wow.

Honestly not a big fan of those nerfs as many who complained seem to forget that ppl can get around 10ilvl (most guilds on the boss range around 625 ilvl) of power and a raid buff in the next weeks - sure the tuning for 3th and 4th boss was a failure and a situation like this shouldn’t happen in the first place.

For Broodtwister a nerf to the parasites would have been an okay angle, the rest feels like a death sentence. I get for many guilds being stacked here while they shouldn’t be there is frustrating. This takes away from a great boss which requires communication.

Nexus Princess feels also like a way too harsh nerf - a HP nerf would be okay as ppl will get to more gear to sustain those mechanics.

That said I fully expect ppl to complain about silken in 2 weeks with those harsh nerfs :slight_smile:

Also remember this raiding will be getting an ICC style buff as well.

I wish you guys could find a way to nerf without nuking; both bosses clearly needed nerfing, but this is just neutering brood completely.

Having said that, it will be nice to feel like you don’t need an exact science of a comp for each, or to 1 tank kyveza, so it’s better than leaving it untouched for sure.

I am really starting to get sick of this balance practice where Blizzard purposefully overtunes things until RWF is over and then starts to actually balance things. It’s getting so tiring.

Liquid the number one guild in the world would Be 4/8 if they didn’t have multiple coders on their payroll that writ private addons for every boss

The rwf isn’t affecting your 3/8 heroic

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Normal players don’t let wow tuning affect their sleep, what’s sad is you clearly do while simping for some e sports org

coders? they need coders to devise a strat?

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The people that write the top guilds weak auras make more money than the raiders

You could have just left it at they have people making weakauras, no one knows truly how much any of the guys are paid

If Blizzard officially hosted the RWF like the MDI, then they would probably have a separate realm where they could gear themselves up and all that. However, Blizzard doesn’t run the RWF – it’s player driven. As such, it happens in the same space where everyone else plays.

Blizzard balancing around such a niche activity is ridiculous.

If something needs to be nerfed then nerf it.