Mythic+ Needs Reworked

Not sure if you played during vanilla, but I can assure you, no one is getting that feeling back.

Name 1 enrage timer that was ever an issue for even mid guilds during the first 12 years of the game.

You’re comparing a boss mechanic that is pretty much irrelevant outside of everything besides Mythic/Savage content to an active timer that’s always there and trivializes most boss fights.

Tbh I wish WoW dungeons had stronger bosses. Ara kara showed they can make mechanically fun and difficult dungeon content with its final boss.

4 horseman.

It’s irrelevant outside the bosses where it isn’t? Also, how does having to meet a timer make anything more trivial?

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I like how you’re trying to have this pedantic little nerd moment, but it’s not working because TECHNICALLY you can pug all of Mythic raid, therefore all gear is “welfare loot”.

So did we really need to define it? You weren’t using it properly anyway and also seem to have changed the definition from what I remember welfare loot being which was raid loot that you bought with emblems.

M+ bosses have been pretty much pushovers compared to their trash which is counter the entire concept of the game. That’s why I bring up Ara kara. The final boss is perfect. It’s actually fun.

Glad you agree.

Mechanically dense boss that can be solo’d by the tank is your idea of a perfect boss?

You’ve never played wow before that?
it was always like that, it has always been like that.

I never said get that feeling back that’s an impossible task no matter how many fresh classic servers you get. I said go make some of those bonds with other players. Trust, loyalty, friendship, drive. Those bonds.

Say Hi. Add people that played well and ask if they’d like to do more. Look for a key groups on discords.


I’ll give you fortified week Lord Chamberlaine, and it’s not that he was easier than the mob before him he was just sometimes faster. Otherwise, this isn’t an actual thing mechanically at all and is instead a factor of pulling multiple packs at once and then comparing an extremely large pull to pulling a single boss.

The concept of the game isn’t “boss mob is harder than any number of non-boss mobs in dungeons”.

mythic plus needs removed completly imo.


If the tanks soloing its cus the group can’t dance.

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I don’t disagree, but it’s funny that the fewer people alive makes this boss easier. I don’t even bother rezzing on this fight cause it’s easier with 3 players.

I just finished tanking 3 keys for my friends. No time sink for us, just good times in discord running keys and talking about holiday plans.

So basically, you are brand new to M+ and are demanding fundamental changes to the system. Right…

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Blizzard seems to be working on this in the upcoming season with hitting 2850 leading to keys no longer demoting when their level 12 or below. Personally I think the threshold should be lower, I.E. starts at 10 with keystone hero, and then advances to 12 once you hit the new achievement score. Yet I am definitely looking forward to this change as it’ll allow for problematic players to be easily sifted out once your runs can no longer demote.


I know ppl would dislike this idea but it would be great to have a new way to show our individual skills along with our mythic score/ bosses in raid defeated when we signed up. Like the proving grounds. Lol

Here we go again…another bad player griping about mythics. Maybe mythics aren’t for you bud.

Reworked… or removed? Maybe we’d be better off if things capped at Heroic again.


With the caveat that I haven’t tried M+ in quite some time, in addition to these issues back then there was this infernal insistence to use “shortcuts” that inevitably 1-2 party mates would be unable to pull off, causing wipes and wasting more time if we’d just killed the danged trash packs. Like dudes stop trying to cheat the map and just do the freaking dungeon normally.

This - just because the community is no longer an in-game-only thing, doesn’t mean there is no community. People want the game to go back to being an AOL chatroom like in Vanilla but that’s not the modern internet.

They’ve already reworked most Enemy Forces % to discourage complicated skips like that. Necrotic Wake trash in TWW is very different than in SL for example.

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