Mythic+ Needs Reworked

Returning to the game after several years, I was excited to try out the new Mythic+ key system as a way to earn better gear. However, my experience has been incredibly frustrating. I often find myself waiting 20-40 minutes just to form a group, and when I finally get a key to a decent level, all it takes is one person leaving for the key to drop a level. This causes the entire group to disband, wasting not only my time but everyone else’s as well. To make matters worse, I have to invest more time to regain my key’s level, only to risk the same issue happening again, especially since not everyone has a consistent group to run with. The lack of control over my key, coupled with the uncertainty of whether someone will leave due to personal reasons, creates a toxic and unfun environment. While I understand that the system should present a challenge, it shouldn’t feel like a constant cycle of wasted time and frustration. Something needs to change to improve the experience for everyone involved. This is just one of many problems with Mythic+ and I hope blizzard takes a hard look at what they have created and rework it.


That’s why I play something that can heal or tank in keys. If you pug and tank/heal, you don’t have to wait and you don’t need to run your own key.

Although it’s better to run your own key so you can invite a tank that isn’t 590ilvl. You get a lot of lazy tanks invited into these lower keys, they don’t even have Delve loot, it’s like they just dinged 80 and immediately started doing keys.

I can understand the frustration with depletions, I would personally suggest that they remove any rewards from a key that is over the timer and simply don’t deplete it.


Lol, you really want to increase key leaving.


Some people just want to watch the world burn lmao

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It’s a solution to people complaining about depletions. The other ‘solution’ is to let people fail the run, keep the key, and get full loot, which is nonsensical. M+ is absurdly generous about failure rewards as is.


Most important thing you can do is to get more people to play M+. Leavers don’t matter if you can recover and reassemble quickly.

Problem is you can’t, problem is it’s a time sink in it’s current form.

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I get it, but it’s pretty bad. If I’m in a key and there’s an early wipe, I guarantee someone is going to bail and you’re back to spending 20 minutes vetting new applicants.


M+ was a mistake. The welfare loot has made people idiots.


Everything outside of most mythic raid bosses is welfare loot.


I suppose. Not much different than non-instancelock raiding, people leave when something goes bad and you have to refill between attempts at the encounter. It needs to be one of the two though, and people keep complaining about someone leaving or just messing up making them run a lower key.

M+ was originally designed to be welfare loot for people who didn’t even normal raid. Now the playerbase is collectively more annoying. Dudes with 3k IO acting like it’s a glad mount.


The best suggestion to date has been putting bad luck protection on keystones, like one or two charges.

This has nothing to do with keys, and everything to do with Blizzard ruining the community we had back when your server was it and you knew the people you played with.

I love how all the loot is “welfare loot” now.

I think these are some welfare takes.


This happened like 5 years and 5 million subs before M+ launched.

Neuroscience dictates what happens when the human brain is put on a timer and the anxiety and heightened cortisol levels that occur have a direct impact on how players act towards each other.

That timer was put out 20 years ago, so that’s neat but worthless.

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So than make or find a new community. Just because the walls are down, doesn’t mean you can’t form those same bonds.

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Gotta define welfare loot then. I’d say anything you can get pugging is technically welfare, so that’s pretty much everything up to the first few mythic raid bosses.

I see people use DPS checks and consider it the same as actively being timed with a big timer on the screen in M+.

It’s nonsensical.

I’m not a proponent of removing the timer. People enjoy it and people should be allowed to have what they’ve come to enjoy.

But the overall pillar system needs to be reworked not to funnel players into M+

Not sure which part of that is more nonsensical, the fact you don’t think an enrage timer is the same as a timer, or the fact you think players are funneled exclusively into M+ and not all the endgame pillars.