my thoughts are it’s about time trolls and griefers got what’s coming to them and part of me is really kind of hoping there’s a penalty volcano that ultimately will result in a permanent ban so that these people can stop ruining this game for a other players.
Let me give a little context of a situation that happened yesterday. I think I left a total of two keys in the past few days. One was my own, and it was after the tank had already left, so I guess just one.
There was a warrior tank. Warrior is by far the most tanky tank at the moment. This guy was of appropriate item level to do the key. It was very apparent to me, as the healer, that this tank had absolutely no idea how to play his spec. The adds do not have any affixes this week at an 8. These were standard pulls. So after the first three pulls of the dungeon, I had to use cocoon on him twice, and on the third, he died. I was on my mistweaver, so lots of passive healing going through to him, as well as healing him directly quite a bit.
To everyone else in the group, they are unaware of what is happening. But me as an experienced healer knows, this dude ain’t it. I leave the group. I gave him 3 strikes, and he took them all in the first two minutes. Now, there’s a very good chance several people could have reported me there. Not out of malice, they just don’t understand how the game works, much like the people commenting on this thread. They think I owe this guy something, but he owes thr group something by showing up prepared.
A quick glance at details and his shield wall and ignore pain uptime, sure enough, were absolutely non-existent.
I’m nothing special but I’ve been 3k+ 3 out of the last 5 seasons (not including this season, I haven’t been playing as much) but as you push higher, the probability that a key bricks, especially in pugs, becomes higher. It used to really upset me when people would leave back when I first started doing keys, but now I just see it as an inevitability and I don’t expect anyone to stay in a dungeon that isn’t going time or has already passed the timer. I don’t think Blizzard cares either. There’s a huge difference between griefing intentionally and leaving once something isn’t achievable.
People need to be a little more patient…
Last night I was in a run. The run was going fine. Nothing record breaking, but we had plenty of time. The tank disconnected. One of his friends was actually in the group, and was keeping us updated, telling us that he didn’t abandon the run, his game simply crashed and that he’s getting back on ASAP. But after only about 30 seconds one of the other group members left. 10 seconds later the Tank was back online, but the run was already dead.
I’m sure that the person who left felt fully justified, but if he was caught up in this ban wave, I won’t be sad in the least.
Experienced something similar with a blood DK with 40% overall Bone Shield uptime. Between bad tanks and DPS that refuse to kick, healers are going to be avoiding PUG keys even more than before now.
If you werent caught up in the suspensions then what you are already doing will be fine. No need for these overreactions.
Now that blizzard has actually taken action to curb this toxicity, I think I’ll try to run some keys.
playing poorly wastes peoples time though so according to your logic playing poorly should be banned
It was long overdue but if were up to me, keys wouldn’t be downgrade for fail key attempt that way it would encourage players to used their keys more often.
Did they say something like, “bruh just heal” lol
The worst was a vdh I had last night as well. Now mind you, this is a new character I was on, so we are just blasting 8s. The dude dies literally within a global of pulling the pack. Basically a one shot. We all live a solid 5 seconds and there’s a ret in the group he doesn’t rez the tank for whatever reason. Once we eventually die, I say"paly, ffs."
The vdh says there i go blaming other people. I asked him how it was my fault. He said I need to blow my CDs on pull lol. I told him if he needs me to keep survive a tyrannical trash pack, he has problems. He literally responded that tyrannical effects bosses… I sat there for a second in amazement, and then said he’s not using his head, but I think he realized how stupid he is and dipped out before
I’d say the problem is how many people didn’t dissect it, read between the lines, or read it at all.
I do not agree with your assumption that good players dislike the announcement. For perspective, I’m a middling M-plusser, 3k past couple of seasons but no title yet. I show up prepared with buff stuff and routes to share, get my share of kicks, and successfully time around 80% of the keys I join. I don’t leave keys just because they won’t time, and I’m rarely the first to leave. I do understand players leaving if we’re going way over time or we’re clearly stuck.
I took the announcement from Blizz to be about outliers who join keys already planning to leave them in a deliberate attempt to sabotage the run. I’ve yet to hear of anyone getting suspended for behavior most of us accept as normal.
I thought it was clear. They stated it explicitly. Their target was players who “repatedly and recklessly leave keys” with a motive of disrupting groups.
To avoid the ban just say something like " My childis having an emergency, sorry guys, and then leave group "
Even if you get reported and if blizz looks at the logs you had a great reason to leave terrible groups, they cant challenge it.
That or just play extremely bad, apologize, and wait for group the disband.
Blizz opened up a can of silly with this one.
i question why they didnt specify more " good reasons to leave " and " bad reasons to leave "
the grey zone we are now in isnt great. i get they cant give a detailed list of a thousand yesses and a thouseand no’s but atleast go beyond a few.
this is the way lol.
this is exactly what made me make this post. they arent stupid. they chose their words on purpose, and they havent added to them still. they are being intentionally vague in this area
Being bad in an entirely voluntary, opt-in system should never be a punishable offense.
I don’t think leaving really should be either, at least not with account actions.
But this isn’t about people that have the odd key abandonment.
And do you run into this situation often enough for Blizz to conclude you are repeatedly and recklessly bricking people’s keys? I tank a lot of 8s and 10s, occasionally have to carry a weak healer, but we still time 80% or better. I’m not worried Blizz will think I’m a bad actor.
this is a lot of made-up concern over nothing. they banned a small number of people who were very obviously sabotaging large numbers of keys for no specific reason. this was not “anybody who left more than 6 keys in the last month got banned”. this was targeted at people who repeatedly joined groups and bailed immediately or within the first few seconds, and in some cases who had expressly said in chat they were sabotaging the key.
if that doesn’t describe your actions, you don’t have to worry.