Mythic Keystone Dungeons Temporarily Disabled [Resolved]

My Uldaman +12 only has Volcanic :cry:

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Most games before online services became a thing and games were standalone on a cartridge or disk.

I know modern games are more complicated, but I feel studios QA level fell off a cliff once they realized they can push a game and fix things post re-release.


What is funny is sanguine used to be on +4 keys and now it’s on +14 keys this season lol.

But yeah something needs fixed.

It’s more that the games/programs got bigger.

It’s good to be at work for most of a Tuesday with the next two days off; all the usual maintenance issues are done by the time I get home for my mid-week weekend.

Yes, that is part of it.

But how much more effort do you think they’d put on QA if once it was shipped it was unfixable??

Games now ship with knowingly broken things they can just fix later.

This is a global comment about game studios not Blizzard.


Toon that I looked at vault with on lunch but didn’t pick anything with until I got done work still has a no affix key…

I don’t think it’s lack of effort by the devs/QA, I think it’s a combo of release time crunch from the higher ups, and that as the size of games increase linearly, the number of interactions you need to test increase quadratically.

Yes to both.

And it’s easier to push out games when everyone knows you can fix anything missed after shipment (and the higher ups get their bonuses).

Push a release with a major bug? No problem fixed in a day.

Push a release on a CD/cartridge with a major bug? The entire game basically is ruined forever.

I wonder which one drives better testing prior to release…


There’s also a quote from a designer at Riot that I think also works for wow, which is that the patch gets more testing in the first few hours of being live, than the entire public beta cycle and internal testing combined.


Of course.

That goes for probably almost every game ever made including older games.

The public is a vastly higher player count than any testers.

That doesn’t excuse them.


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I’d rather they bring it live in an hour or two and fix things that pop up, than keep them down for days. Or delay tiers for additional weeks to bug test.

Weren’t they unhappy with DF sale numbers?

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It doesn’t help that they just ignore all of the public testing feedback.


I heard that they were not only surprised with low sales numbers, but then they were surprised that people who hadn’t bought the game didn’t come back after release.

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These games are also ever evolving. Can be fixed and worked around

Games that ship and are stagnant have to be perfect because they remain the same through the trials of time.

I can go back and play SC1 and i know exactly where and when and how the enemy will attack me.

Cant say the same for WoW for instance

Yes of course.

Also can you imagine how popular SC1 would have been if it had tons of bugs?

No fixing them in a patch in those days, the game is just permanently wrecked.

I really miss azerite… Tier gear is so boring, it’s just boring and overpowered. I’ve been kicked from keys for not having my 4set because it increases dps by thousands