Mythic Keystone Dungeons Temporarily Disabled [Resolved]

Improperly selected azerite traits were noticeable too. You don’t think that got people excluded from groups?

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And azerite didn’t?

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Less people came back for Dragonflight, but more people who came back stayed.

Shadowlands for example had a 50% drop nearly between tier 1 and tier 2 in # of raiders.

So far Dragonflights season 2 is similar in activeness to season 1, showing those who are here seem to be staying.

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But there was also like 100% more people coming to SL from BFA than DF…

i’d like that.
and no timer.

The big drop was in Sepulcher. Blizzard apparently planned to drag out the world first race as long as possible with tough tuning and requirements like a 4pc and of course 2 bis legendaries. They planned to begin retuning the raid seamlessly on the fly after the race was over.

They lost half of raiders. Normal was the biggest loser.

I never once got kicked from a group because I had the wrong azerite. It was just a more enjoyable system with choice, unlike tier which is basically a talent you have to be lucky to get

That is Legion Legendaries, not tier.

Tier is a reward you work towards and earn, with an absurdly good BLP system compared to other gear that gives you a large amount of power (Trinkets)

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Still seeing Sanguine in keys at level 12-13 it seems. i’m not the only one.

This may have been resolved as far as getting affixes onto keys when no key had any of them. But it’s hardly “fixed” as now keys that SHOULDN’T have the 2nd affix are getting them despite being 13, or 12, or even lower. So you go from no affixes on any key to making ALL keys have every affix despite level? How about you just credit everyone with a 14 this week since that’s what we’re really doing… as that’s where Season 2 double affix gets applied.

Other people have