Mythic+ Is The WORST Choice Now

takes me 40-50 mins per devle on both my healers.

can you put up a vid of these runs? i don’t believe you.

p.s. don’t use fungal folly or mycobloom since those ones are a joke thanks to spores killing everything.

I also have a dedicated group for raid and m+, and the equivelent difficulty for t8 delves, m+3, is ridiculously easy for even a half competent group.

If you are struggling to complete 3s in a decent time frame, delves existing are the least of your problems.

Rofl. Feel free. Delves are here to stay whether you like how they affect progression or not.

And I for one am grateful that they are here to stay.


All I will say is that if Blizzard listens to you and nerfs the loot you get from delves like you’re asking for, you’re going to have a lot of unhappy customers leave this game, only making it harder to you find people to do M+ keys with.

If that’s what you would prefer, then just say that. But personally I myself would prefer having more people getting gear and dipping their toes into M+, making it easier to find people to do keys with. I don’t even take into consideration “I’m being required to do this content to progress!!” because I don’t even care, I just won’t do it and take the loss then. I’d always rather have more people to play with in a MMO if it means progressing my character slower because of it, any day.

Aaaaand if you find delves actually harder than Mythic + then you have serious issues.

the fact that you’re comparing the two is very telling.

yes, they’re EXACTLY the same. yes yes. doing 0 of a delve except clicking objects is exactly the same as doing the minimum % in an M+ yesssss yes yes yes, so similar mmmm exactly.

yes, delves should totally give 616 in the vault for content done solo in like 580 gear yessssssss

The fact that you aren’t is more telling.

You are the only one saying this. I pointed out a similarity that relates to your unhinged complaints.

“You can literally run past mobs to get the boss” is the M+ meta. The fact that you want to complain about it in delves but not M+ isn’t my issue. It’s yours.

I never said harder. Both are easy as sin. The difference is, delves STOP at t8, keys go well beyond +3 and the rewards are far greater.

Again, if you really think delves are making it impossible for you to complete any higher to the point that they need to be removed or gutted, then this is a personal problem, and not a game issue. Maybe your group is bad? Something to consider. Or maybe they have someone on the team who is dead weight, who knows?


This largely solves itself, because the challenge is there for players that truly enjoy it. And the gear-progression for that content is appropriate.

The disconnect istwo-fold when:

  1. players think they are entitled to that high-end progression without doing the content, or,

  2. players at the very high end try to dictate the progression of other content that they do not enjoy.

You mean like 3s give hero in the vault and can be easily done in like 580 gear?

I get it, theres a big portion of keys that feel unrewarding to do and it sucks that its like that, but delves aren’t the problem. Thats always been an issue with m+, and its part of the reason they squished the keys down by half.

Ill rejoice if M+ is phased out for a delve continuation


Can i ask why? For the majority of people doing delves, theyre completing them considerably under geared? Gear is only needed to help break thresholds

If most people are doing 600+ilvl content at 580ish, then either the content needs tuned harder, or rewards need lessened. Either way, you end up at the same point

I will say the same thing to you that I say to people complaining about delves.

You can just not do the content you don’t like without actively wanting to take it away from the people who do. It’s not hard to just not engage with things that bother you.


yes lets hope blizzard doesn’t listen to me and they require people to do delves/weekly quests to go from normal dungeons to heroic dungeons yesssssss uh oh threat of people leaving, add that to the “i don’t understand progression” bingo card.

same threat for why they shouldn’t change how arena gear was BIS in PVE man blizzard should have left farming maw to upgrade artifacts alone, or how you were hard capped at two legendary drops in legion to the point that making a new character was better progressionwise than staying with one that got two bad legendary drops.

oh man and the azerite necks what a perfect system of progression people LOVED doing island adventures to gain power MMM HMMM don’t take that away from all of the factory workers with 2 minutes a month to play wow, put progression in IsLaNd AdVeNtUrEs.

Oh and garrison, literally a game killer, everyone LOVED just doing things in their garrison for progression, yeah, just ddooooooooooooon’t do it if you don’t like it! Yeaaaaaaaaasssss

so many players quitting in protest! so brave

enjoy your 616 handouts, I’m sure there will be 0 changes to progression. Mmm hmm yes, I have a big bright blue phone to blizz HQ and they make changes at my whim.

not, you know, how obviously the progression is wrecked ATM.

There really is nothing else to say except “just don’t do it”. It’s clear that if running delves is getting you this angry and effecting you this much, you should just not be doing them, gear progression be damned. Like for your own mental well being and enjoyment of this game. Surely a few extra ilvls isn’t worth that to you, right?

It’s amazing that people complain about delves when in DF S1 people were going into M0s 30-40 ilvls below what they dropped.

It’s no different when it comes to delves. Folks just need to stop whinging about it.

The ONLY difference now is that people running delves aren’t filling 0 and + groups for these guys. So they are crying about it.

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that’s a non-argument that has nothing to do with what progression minded players actually are subjected to because they want to have LARPers increase the ilvl score (same players who didn’t want that score to begin with) arbitrarily.

yesss just don’t do the boring thing that is embedded in progression yesss just avoid it, who wants cheap free upgrades anyway? NO THANKS i’m an honorable video game player and there’s never anything grossly imbalanced in their progression systems. yessssss

thread muted, this is hilarious

This entire post is so unhinged that I don’t even want to respond to it. Despite how many times its been pointed out that the most rewarded a delve can be doesn’t even measure up to what a 3 gives you in m+, you are still on this weird crusade against delves because they give terrible heroic gear and no upgrade materials to people who probably weren’t going to engage with m+ anyways.

And for the record, blizzard doesn’t read these forums. So its kinda funny that you get so upset when people say blizzard won’t do what you want. Of course they won’t. they’re never even going to see this thread.

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I think we need to rethink what this statement means. Since the majority of the game’s time engagement is built around upgrading your gear, and a lot of people aren’t really interested in upgrading subpar gear, gear should stop being the end-all be all of the highest challenges.

While it’s perfectly reasonable that players who complete very difficult content deserve the highest gear rewards, a byproduct of that is a game where a lot of people aren’t interested in playing past launches.

I think we need to stop correlating gear reward all the way up the scale of difficulty. And instead cap it at a certain difficulty that is more accessible to the average player who has decent competency of there characters


You literally lose nothing by not doing delves if you’re clearing your 8 m+ keys a week at 3 or higher, which should be a non issue for a “progression minded player” like yourself.

If its not, then maybe you aren’t as good at this game as you seem to think. and delves are there to bridge the gap for you :slight_smile:

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