Mythic+ insecurity

To all those who decline someone 400 IO higher than you; may be your keys your rules but it’s pathetic AF. You’re doing me a favor by declining me. That is all. Thank you & have a wonderful insecure life:)

Edit: I’d like to add after some thought that there’s many DPS looking for groups & it’s only natural to take the best. That the only sane answer is to get better or keep working towards that. No hard felelings:)

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You sound like the insecure one here, mate.


butt hurt alert. Population OP


Wow NOT what I thought this thread would be about lol…
Indeed, an ironic title.


But I’m not the one declining people hovering my io or even higher. So please have some facts to back up your BS:)

so when I list a key and 34 dps sign up, should I feel personally sad about each one I don’t invite?

dang, I’m doing it wrong.


They are probably declining you for someone 400 io higher than you.


i need ksm please carry me

lmao sir i think YOURE the one whose insecure

All good, I just felt like leaving a message, the ones responding in vitriol expose themselves. Have a good one:) I’ve no more time to waste here.


…or the group leader doesn’t put much stock in io scores, or perhaps doesn’t look at them at all. Such players do exist.

Either way, no score in life gets you into anything automatically, sorry to say. Sometimes you get the short end of the stick despite your best efforts, that’s just life.

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I’d carry you for days if you were horde <3


I dont understand, you are upset that you got declined because you are higher IO than the person who declined you? Frankly, who cares that your IO is higher?

Your a dps. Have you started your own group? If not, you probably don’t realize the landslide of dps that applies for M+ dungeons.

Lots of times I get picked because of my “plate” class so the key bearer and others in the group can swap gear at the end.

Sure sounds like it :joy:

Maybe they didn’t want a mage? No, must be about your huge… um… IO score. :eggplant:

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tell me you get butt hurt when you don’t get invited to a mythic key without telling me you get butt hurt when you don’t get invited to a mythic key

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You’re too far gone I don’t even know where to start. Cheers.

They should scrap Mythic + based off this post alone if this kind of attuite is all that’s going to be fostered.