Mythic+ insecurity

well you play arcane I dont blame them =x

Ok, not what I was expecting at all.

I wouldn’t invite you. I’m a mage.
I usually play with a boomkin.

Don’t want a third RDPS. It’s nothing personal. I just want someone with a shorter interrupt. (And damn you melee who are invited for your interrupt and I do better than you)

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I heard a Doctor killed someone once, we should do away with modern medicine if people are just gonna use it to kill others.

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400 higher than 100 is still 500 below 1000

You’re just 1 DPS in a sea of hundreds.

Edit: I enjoy declines simply because I can move on quicker. Nothing worse than having a dungeon queue tick away and hold a potential spot for 4 minutes


Don’t have to worry about that.

Most US medicines are priced into oblivion without insurance.

So people will die anyway.

Why would someone invite you when there is someone else 400 io higher than you also waiting in queue.

Speaking of insecure though…


Back to the que with you


People with bad attitudes (and good) are part of all avenues of WoW (and life).

I like you, so I am gonna warn you, talking to him is an exercise in futiity.


I mean, I don’t like taking people too over qualified for content because as someone who could get into anything better rather easily, they’re sometimes prone to dropping group because of teeny mistakes.


True. But when has it been this bad before?

I actually do this too. I try to invite someone around the same io as me. Sometimes it can’t be avoided taking someone higher so I usually have a little chat with them pre-key to get an idea of why they are there. IE had a DH apply to a DOS 9 at 2k+ io so that worried me… but he was there trying to farm a trinket.

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I wouldnt invite you either if it makes you feel any better

Hmm…the dawn of mankind?


I wouldn’t even invite me. I mean, have you seen me? Ew.

I think the Covid blues are adding to people’s unhappiness. This is as it has always been (in regards to good/not good people), but people are already in a funk so it feels worse.

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…In context to the game.

Pretty sure most anyone with common sense has already jumped ship from SLs.

You have a lovely beard, I would invite you if you weren’t Alliance… but I guess if you weren’t alliance you wouldn’t have that beard either. What a conumdrum.

Quite a paradox, indeed.

Ran a SD 9 earlier this week, and key holder grabbed the first 4 bodies.

DH - group leader (204)
Me - rogue (194)
Boomkin - (206?)
Guardian Druid - (not sure)
Resto Druid - (197)

IOs all over the place and well below 1k.

Smoothest SD any of us have experienced so far (necrotic can suck it in that place lol)

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