Mythic+ High Keys Abated for Rest of Season 2

I agree, PI should be removed from the game. Well-said my dear friend :slight_smile:

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The only easy answer here would be to buff holy and disc priest so that the mass dispel could be brought as a healer instead of a dps.

But the underlying problem is that dungeons should never require mass dispel. Hopefully that is changed going forward.


Uh-- isn’t that backwards? M+ keys are getting easier beyond level 20, not harder…

EDIT: Oh, wait, I get it now: Doing a, say, +25 now is equivalent to doing a +26.19 after the change.

What is presented is the difficulty equivalents moving forward in time. A 30 now is going to be as difficult as a new 32.3842. You could also present the information the other way, that’s fine too. You could say what the key levels after the nerf would be in terms of current key levels by switching the log element and base around in the middle of the formula.

It does not feel good having your time and progress you’ve made throughout a season be invalidated ~2 months before the season ends. If these class changes don’t go far enough and these meta specs still completely dominate, then what is this key scaling change for? To reset the season for these meta specs and have round 2? Guardian for example is way ahead of the other tanks and has barely been touched. Augmentation still probably needs more changes. I just don’t understand why these specs were “reworked” into gods in the middle of a season in the first place.

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The dungeons are well tuned. Players are just bad

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That accomplishes nothing because the god comp is still the better comp. Shadow Priest, Aug Evoker and Guardian Druid (nerfs is still nothing for them) is mandatory in a high key. Blizzard really need to look at their dungeon designs (too much magic debuffs and one shot mechanics) and class utilities for season 3.

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the problem with m+ is that there are multiple raid type 20+ various class handling mechanics going on in a 5 man setting. and when there are only 2-3 classes out of the 13 that can handle all of these mechanics everyone else got to sit out. lower keys need not apply.

what ever happened to the days of dps cd’s, healer cd’s and tank buster cd’s all being used and optimized at the right places and right times. right now there is way to much going on. blizzard is basically just throwing the kitchen sink at m+ and only 4-6 classes are able to do the dishes. it is a sad state of affairs and the main and only example things will never ever be balanced properly, for the simple fact that most of these mechanics can only be taken care of by a select few.

m+ should of died in legion as an xpac feature just like garrisons in wod, island expeditions in bfa and torghast in sl.

the whole dungeon experience has been tainted by m+. if anything and m+ has to stay around it should have a diablo 3 set dungeon type layout. where it will be specifically only there for times and records. once players enter they are given full bis and then they can heave away at it.

dungeons should be like they always been. a stepping stone. get your normal > heroic gears. add a nice badge or emblem or currency vendor to get a few off pieces. add upgrades or not, who cares and off to raid you go.

blizzard got some serious issues to contend with when it comes to m+ and it looks like they are tying up the blindfold.


Underrot, Freehold and Neltharion’s Lair are considerably easier than others.
Halls of Infusion the worst one by far. Whoever thought of putting in several dragons between bosses that require intense healing on fortified is bad. The orbs on start of dungeon are bad too if group doesn’t deal with them with stuns and interrupts.

i mean this change is fine. 20s were already really easy anyway this season - so it’s more targeted for the higher stuff. not much changes though. hunters still are sitting in LFG, etc.

Check the other blue post, some classes are getting some nerfs which is the reason for

They had to nerf the dungeons imho to save the season, but you’re not making it easier to get the rating required for the title because people are still going to stack FOTM classes for their teams.

Make the rating requirements the top 0.01% of specs, not total rating, and you can fix the season.

Say what


Blizzard is trying to save the season but it’s not enough. They can still running Shadow Priest / Aug / Holy Paladin / Bear / Mage (Mage is the most replaceable spec) and timing 31-32+.

Hello, friend. I see that you enjoyed reading other post so much that you felt the desire to portray it here for everyone else to read and soak in the knowledge that I do lovingly provided.

Yes, the absolute best way forward would be to delete healers and make all dps self-sufficient in terms of self-healing.

I was discussing the best “Band-Aid” or “quick fix” to salvage this season.

Obviously removing all healers and tuning dps to be their own healers isn’t going to happen this season.

So the best Band-Aid for this current problem is to buff healer priests so that mass dispel is brought from a healer and not a dps.

Thank you so much for giving me another opportunity to spread the glorious word of my wonderful knowledge to everyone here.

You are such a kind friend, the type of friend that everyone would want to have over for dinner at their parent’s house.

I hope you have a lovely day, my wonderful friend :slight_smile:

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Nah man. I just know not to take anything you say remotely serious because you are just here trolling.

So I found it entertaining that you went from suggesting deleting healers to buffing some healers.

When you out yourself as a troll, its easy to know how to respond and how serious to take your comments.

Notice how your reply format completely changed? :stuck_out_tongue:


I am so very glad that you enjoyed reading my previous post as well as this current post.

I really appreciate you taking the time out of your day to bring my glorious message to the forefront of this forum as well.

The only thing that would change is who gets uplifted by exodia.

it’s merely an ego boost.

Just to confrm…

We are mad when they don’t add new classes. We are mad when they do.
We are mad when they nerf things too much or too quickly. We are mad when they nerf things slowly.
We are mad when they balance dungeons. We are mad when we don’t balance dungeons.

This is a fun group.