Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

Delete mythic+ go back to raiding as end-game.

Delete raiding, because ever people who do it want to do it less.

Please. We all know that people only tolerated raiding to get gear for PvP :smiling_face:

That’s a really cool utilization of that skill.

I will be honest, mythic plus made guild leadership narrow their friendship base to high value players and ignore everyone else. Tanks and healers very much have their own click that hyper runs mythic plus at the start of the week and treats dps as disposable.

It’s all very logical, but it’s not nice nor does it help make the game feel friendly.

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•Get rid of key depletion. The keyholder can now choose to downrank it either to either the dame dungeon with the same affixes or another at random with different affixes. Completing the dungeon but failing the timer will give the option to reroll the key but remain at the same difficulty level.

•Rework the affix system. Change the affixes into something the player wants to manipulate to increase player power. Volcanic can damage enemies if they’re positioned properly, Explosive Orbs are far more rare and have far more HP but damage enemies if they’re popped quick enough, avoiding Storming succussefully gives players who did so a temporary buff etc.

•Take fort and tyra, burn then, stomp on them, light them on fire again and bury them in a dumpster. Than burn the dumpster.

•Remove weekly affixes. “Can’t push this week” is garbage design. Instead, each week will rotate out two of the possible dungeons from a pre - selected pool that season. M+ isnt raiding. It doesnt need to live and die on a weekly system.

•Remove score and simply allow players to see what dungeons a player has completed at what level.

•Allow players to view how often you’ve left a key and how early you did so. This discourages selfishly bricking somebodies key after one wipe because player X was on full tilt that day.

•Get rid of all of the class buffs. This is a boon for raiding as well. Seriously this might be the most lauaghable design choice they’ve doubled down on over the years. MotW, Chais Brand, Mystic Touch, take em out back and throw a parade because they’re borderline “trolling” the players at this point.

TLDR: Take the core of M+ (relevant endgame content for small groups), and focus on making it fun instesd of frustrating, remove the pain points that exist to waste peoples time and implement railguards that discourage toxic behavior.

This would hamper the main benefit of the key system in the first place - a self-regulating difficulty setting for groups. If keys never deplete, players can keep running a key they aren’t prepared for until they finally get a group that can carry them to success, at which point they will move up at least 1 level to make the problem worse.

I get key depletion is annoying when a random person in your group goes off the deep end. But the overall system is far better with depletions, especially for consistent groups, than not.

This would absolutely kill a huge part of the reason why many like M+. M+ is about refining your execution over the course of a season as you learn new ways to tackle the challenge, especially when higher scaling forces you to come up with something else. Having dungeons coming and going during the season would remove this ability. Players could never refine their strategy because 4 weeks from now the dungeon pool would be completely different.

This may be better for players that only touch M+ a couple weeks in the season for the novelty. But as someone who plays M+ as my primary endgame, I would much rather have the consistency of being able to work through the same dungeons throughout the course of the season.

As far as the “push” week comment, that is basically unavoidable. Even if Blizzard changed the affixes to be positives as you suggested, that will just mean the least beneficial affixes become the dead weeks while the most positive become the push weeks.

How does this benefit the game? I don’t have a fundamental problem with this idea, but since raider io already provides what you’re asking and a score is just a summary of that data, I don’t see how the score is detrimental.

This seems very abusable. Like with the previous item, I don’t fundamentally oppose the suggestion, but I worry about its implementation. What’s to stop a person who wants to no longer be in the key from trolling their group until someone else leaves?


I feel like there’s a good compromise in there somewhere, like maybe a charge system for keys, like they have 2-3 charges or attempts and only deplete if they’re failed or run out of charges.

Yeah that might work. I am not opposed to giving keys a certain number of mulligans to alleviate situations where a key gets burned because of effectively a troll in your group. But the idea that keys would never deplete would be worse for the system, IMO.


This would just mean that people would rely on Raider io to calculate skill. Which is what we had before they introduced score in Shadowlands.


This only promotes failing upwards and score inflation worse than ever before. It also allows someone to just buy a +10 run and now they have their own +10 key for the rest of the season. This is create even more situations where there are more and more players in key brackets they are not ready for.

Does anyone use the ingame score? They can remove it for all we care, anyone serious still uses RIO because it has way more information than just numbers.

This will only promote truly degenerate play. Oh I don’t want a leave on my record so I’ll just afk until someone else leaves. Or oh i’ll keep butt pulling extra mobs forcing wipes. Or oh i’ll intentionally stop trying and do 10k dps until someone else leaves first.

All of your ideas are easily exploitable to a worse degree.


We play for fun. The fact that we calculate player statistics so we can have fun efficiently scares me. It just makes me sad for the world as a whole because we seem to be loosing the ability to waste time like it was meant to be wasted.

I want those dirty jokes back, with idiots who follow stealthed rogues, monks who roll off edges, drunken healers and epic moments of hilarity. Everything cool happened when we recklessly burned time shutting off our brains and being morons.

Now this game has been jobified. Mythic plus has done great things, but it also let this mindset through the door.

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M+ is fun when you do it with friends.

I don’t care for affixes or the clock, but having a way to do small group content with friends to get good gear that is reasonably challenging / scales is a good addition to the game.

I think geared players rushing new players through content is always bad for the game though. Nobody enjoys being dragged through content. It ruins the experience when you’re trying to look around / learn the game and some guy derps by at 200 MPH and kills everything in the dungeon, or gets you killed cause they aggro’d everything without a care in the world.

They just need to find a way to give players who wanna speed run the game a fun way to speed run everything without crapping on players who just wanna saunter about.

There is no wrong way to play for yourself. It’d be nice if people were more considerate… but most people aren’t trying to make sure you have fun. They’re just worried about themselves.

For people I truly cared about, I checked RIO and their timed runs of that dungeon.

1% under as dps, maybe they’re not ready for the next level. The longer I take to fill a group, the higher the chance someone that is a must invite shows up.

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I play for fun too, but it’s not fun when it’s a wipefest because someone decided to join something they are not ready for. Something that takes 30 minutes is now 2 hours. Nope. I don’t know them, they are a stranger and I don’t owe them the little bit of time I have to play. There’s leisure content and challenge content.


thats your definition of fun. not mine. i like having silly moments but at a certain point it just becomes frustrating when those silly moments happen every key. at that point they stop being funny and start being frustrating.

Everything is over analyzed and gamers torment themselves over the opportunity cost of playing one game or another, running one form of content or another, equipping one item over another, etc.

I get it but some people need to take themselves a hair less seriously. For all of that time you spent optimizing on a video game it really means very little.


Alot of the complaints people are talking about in keys happen in pug raids to. Keys saved this game you can only do one endgame so long until your bored . Keys are old now it’s time for new endgame hopefully delves are good.

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Yeah I enjoy keys don’t get me wrong but it is time for an attempt at something new. I’m not really sold on delves yet, but as you said, you can only do something for so long before it starts getting stale and even M+ isn’t going to be an exception to that.

It’s starting to show its age.

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It’s 5 man endgame content, I don’t see what else can fill that gap if m+ was removed.

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