Mythic+ has probably damaged WoW worse than anything ever added

If you don’t mind me asking…why?

My team is fully clearing all the raids on Awakened Mythic and I’ve probably done a total of 20-25 keys this season.

What is there to be grinding for?

This is all just your perception. Like I said earlier, you see other peoples fun and call it a chore. That’s a you issue lol.


Fun fact.

I play like 4 different MMOs. Concurrently. 3 of which I pay a monthly sub for.

And I still think Blizzard’s archaic method of enforcing class diversity by making classed objectively bad at things to be terrible design.

Too bad Nerifina believes WoW has zero class diversity.

It’s by far the best source of gear and especially aspect crests. Especially for the masses not in a CE guild?

Raiderio says in this throwaway season you have done 37 mythic+ runs so far.

Last season you did 96.

That of course does not count any disband runs that didn’t finish and therefore are not tracked.

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Nah man, this is a fact. You’re just too steeped in your “Wow is amazing” bubble to realize it.

It is kind of funny watching the mental gymnastics people go through to defend the poor design choices that plague retail WoW.

For the record, there is a lot of stuff I still enjoy in retail, the repetive gear treadmill isn’t one of them.

That’s just not what the quote you included says. It’s not that 10 man is inherently bad, it’s that there were two distinct raid sizes that were offered, 10 and 25. The inevitable differences led to players considering one to be the “real” raiding and the other to be a glorified mini-game. All dungeon content at all difficulties is 5 players; you can’t choose a variant with either 3 or 5 players.

The absolute lack of self-awareness is truly astounding.

When has Blizzard ever delivered on more content more than a couple times per 6 month season? Or are you trying to claim players didn’t repeat Molten Core, Scholomance, UBRS, and Stratholme back in vanilla?

What you’re asking for has never been delivered by WoW, or even any MMO. But for some reason the fact that the model you would prefer has never been delivered in the history of the genre is somehow entirely the fault of M+.

Please show me a single quote where I’ve gotten triggered by a flaw being pointed out with M+. Just one quote.

Every one of these things is your opinion. Have you ever considered perhaps we experience M+ differently?

Literally more than 5% of M+ players run keys beyond where rewards stop. If you’re going to make up statistics, maybe try selecting a value that isn’t immediately disprovable with one of the few metrics players actually have access to…


The wow forums are the only place you can be called a blizzard shill in one thread and a doomer in the next. Yall really just throw whatever and hope it sticks XD

In this one, I apparently don’t play other MMOs and only thing wow is great. In the other I’m stupid for saying GW2 is the better design. Your honor, these both cant be true XD


Meh, you are just reaching now, because are your points were debunked.

Yes, you debunked them alright. You caught me. I’m somehow both a blizzard activist and doomer at the same time.

The amount of people who called him out on this is hilarious.


Where did I call you a WoW doomer? You are just making stuff up now.

This guy is literally the simpsons principal meme

“Am I the problem?”

“No! it is ALL OF THEM who are out of touch”


I wonder whose alt this is? 92 posts, most of which were made in the last few days. This has to be a forum regular trying to disguise their account.

This forum has become a giant echo chamber of the same 20 ish posters that just all post at each other, all patting themselves on the back for regurgitating the same comments over and over again.

Legitimate question here: if raiders do not enjoy m+ (or claim they dont), why do you feel the need to run it? Outside of HoF (which is what? The first 100?), theres no competition with other guilds.

So why not just progress off of raid and and raid gear like we did for years in the past? The only player power gained was from whatever drops were upgrades for that week.

And people were still clearing 25H back in the day with that method. So why not stick to that? Collectively decide that you can do m+ to help gear if you want, but us 16 are choosing to progress via raid drops only?

Huh, definitely didn’t feel like that many.

I think I was in a single pug run that disbanded.

Best source of aspect crests, for sure. But gear? Certainly not per time spent. Gearing through keys is extremely inefficient beyond what is needed to fill your vault. You’d be better off doing heroic raid for gear.

He’s is so lost in his own head. In this very thread you criticized parts of wow and M+ while also providing counter arguments to Nerifina’s points that are untrue.

Ofc he only sees the counter arguments because they live in a black or white world where you are either a M+ fanatic or his selective bias groupie. No in between allowed.

LOL and now he calls you an alt trying to skirt around his large ignore list.


Because actively avoiding any easy loot piñata and purposely making your toon weaker doesn’t feel that great?

I enjoy mythic+ most of the time, but I can understand the required grindiness.

“Running the same 8 dungeons is the worst design in WoW. Running the same 8 bosses in a single raid though, perfect”



You forgot:

“Raid logging is healthy for the game”