Mythic experienced UH / Frost DK LF M Raiding Guild (Orange Parses)

Frost / Unholy DK looking for a mythic raiding guild that’s aiming for CE for TWW, preferably with raiding days between Monday through Thursday. Looking to play either Frost or Unholy this tier, whichever is called for in raid. I am newer to mythic raiding, but I parsed quite well during my first mythic experience of CN in Shadowlands (despite some slow kill times) and had to leave near the end of the tier due to IRL issues. I also parsed well some bosses of Vault of Incarnates on my DH and the guild I was in sadly died mid tier. I haven’t been able to play a lot in past tiers due to work, but I now have a good job with plenty of time in my personal life and am looking to dive into and push harder content this season, I am excited for the expansion.

I have a lot of fun mythic raiding and love the concept of constantly improving and finding things to do better in replays / logs. I am open to criticism and will be the first player to speak out if I messed up, I always want to improve as a player. I also like to joke around and have a good time while raiding, but know when to keep it serious when its time to focus up.

If you want some more information or links to my logs, feel free to add me and we can talk more, or I can fill out an application / have an interview.

Parses are on Baaraka Hyjal for Castle Nathria (DK) and Barakaa Stormrage for Vault of Incarnates (DH)

Discord: baraka (no # or numbers)
Bnet: Baraka#11152

Hey Baaraka! I am with Out of Exile, a semi-hardcore mythic raiding guild on Hydraxis. We raid T/W/Th from 9pm-11:30pm EST. We are currently looking to add some more skilled players to our roster for TWW. We take progging seriously, but we like to keep the atmosphere fun and light and overall enjoy ourselves. If you would like any more information, my bnet is Gotti27#1791 and disc is fallen_34. Thanks for your time!

still looking!

I sent you a DM

Hello Baaraka!

I think you would be a good fit for our guild High Latency on Trollbane server. We are currently looking for dps for our raid team! If you are interested check my post out about our guild here: Raid: T/Th 8:30-10:30pm EST + PvP (rbgs): Wed 8-11pm EST

We always get AoTC and our members like to help get everyone KSM (if players are willing to put in the effort!)

Feel free to message me in game! Yakella-Trollbane or on Discord : Yakusa6430

still looking!