Mythic Eonar The Life-binder Bug

It’s gonna be updated in 9.1.5 bois, we’ve done it, props to blizzard :slight_smile:

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Still bugged. Please fix!

My raid group has done this 3 times now and it bugged out the same way each time. I have yet to find a report of someone to get past this. So just to clarify, assuming this is broken for everyone, all transmogs from the Eonar fight are currently unclaimable, and if you do not already have the skip from previous, the Antorus raid is unable to be completed. Last blue post was a month ago saying the developers were actively looking into this issue. Lets hope they can give the actual gameplay the same attention they are currently giving flirt emotes.

Blizzard, while you are at it, please remove the ship mechanic from this fight entirely. It’s been 4 years and this fight is incredibly difficult to find a group willing to do it because it is universally hated by EVERYONE. Also, likely in its current form it will never be soloable even when our ilevel gets high enough. Do the right thing. Recognize we all hate it and just take out the ship mechanic being an insta-lose condition.

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I’m sorry but how in the world is this still broken. We check on this after every reset. It’s been months.

Does anything else really need to be said?

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They are supposed to be fixing it in 9.1.5. It should also be soloable.

Just as an update. I did go kill this today. Took two Final Dooms.

I just tried to solo this and it seems like it is still bugged, just in a different way.

She is not using her special ability to wipe out certain packs., and she just gets swarmed while you are on the ship.

Can’t even get to the third crystal before she dies, and that is after wiping out the first two packs completely.

the 2nd set of dogs that comes out from the bottom is suppose to get killed by her while you are on the ship, but she doesn’t do it and they are just beating her little butt.