Mythic Eonar The Life-binder Bug

Was doing with with some guildies it hit us too.

The maintenance today fix this at all?

Still bugged. This time inquisitor not even showing up, and the other time inquisitor shows up but not crystals.

Still the same issue for us as well. Here’s hoping tomorrow’s maintenance can fix this, was pretty disappointing. Had the inquisitor not spawn, had the crystals appear but not be clickable, had no crystals at all - plenty of bugs all happening still.

Happened here as well… This is old legacy content, can you just put a mob we can one shot in the middle of the boss room so we can go, melee it, and then collect our loot and never have to do this terrible encounter again?

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Agree with this guy, just put the guy from the crystal room next to the tree let us hit it and move on.

Bugged still.

Confirmed. Bugged. Can’t finish Eonar fight.

Still bugged as of tonight, still can’t finish.

This fight needs a skip mechanic for everyone or needs to have something implemented so that it can be soloed.

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Also having this issue!

Same here, just did this and was able to get to Imonar but Eonar is bugged. JUST like everyone else’s experience.

Also having this issue, 3 of us tried to do this boss on Friday night and we thought we were just wiping to it, but once we figured out we were doing the fight correctly we wiped 4 times where we were having the same issues everyone else has been describing.

Thank you the report! Our team is actively looking into this issue.


Ya’ll fixed it yet? It did it again today! :eyes:

We were just trying to do it on heroic and it’s also not working. The crystals are not clickable.

There are no crystals in heroic.

I found this thread after our group ran into the same issue in mythic - no dude on the ship and only one crystal that can’t be targeted. :frowning:

Still bugged. We tried several times, always fails on the fourth cast of Final Doom.

This is still bugged.

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any updates?

Any updates yet? Also attempted tonight and it is still bugged.