Mythic Eonar the Life-Binder Antorus Skip

I can solo her on every class but it did take several fails and several watchings of other players doing it on YouTube before i got the timing down. I was happy to learn I only really needed to do the ship the first time so that helped, and I do my best to stay farther away from Eonar when the ship beam tags me just in case she takes damage from it too. I don’t want a skip but I can understand why some would use it. The fight is definately a precision dance and you have to memorize the moves.

Build a movement speed set then she is very easy

Even with movespeed it can be very annoying to do. Especially on mythic with all the debuffs knocking you up in the air. I did solo eonar on my DK this week on 3rd attempt, but it was very annoying waste of time compared to every other boss being a pushover. Just sours the whole experience.


To everyone who keeps saying “It’s SOLOABLE” no sh*t we know, it’s just annoying wasting so much time on an old boss. I can do it easily on my rogue, but my DK is another story.


Did this ever get fixed so we could skip it. Blizz needs to get their crap together.


Still waiting.

Zero reason for this boss to still require this much effort in what should be easily, solo-able, ancient content. Blizz just lazy.


actually if you burn him fast enough you can skip that part

agreed. Being able to effortlessly steamroll old raids for tmog/mounts is one of my favorite things to do when I get bored of the new content. By refusing to fix or nerf old, legacy raids (or other old group content) to be more easily soloable will only drive me to unsub that much sooner.

need to nerf the boss or skip em, stop being lazy Blizz


My post was from before TWW came out. :slight_smile:

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I agree, it’s time for players to be able to skip this boss.

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New addition that helps a bit: Raid skips are now account wide! So if you have the antorus skip on one character, now its available for all of them.

FYI if you have high mobility eg, DH or Rogue this boss can be soloed like 3 years ago. With lower mobility like DK its very hard to do.

So Blizz, this was requested almost 2 years ago. Why hasn’t this been addressed yet?

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Adding to the collective demand - just fix aeonar already it is 0 fun for low mobility classes.