Mythic+ Dungeon Tuning - March 18

That can happen if the score on the 10 is higher than the score on the 13 (e.g., the 13 was so far over time it counted as best, but not better than a timed 10).

Edit: That seems to maybe be the Blizzard scoring tab, because Raider IO still shows the 13 as your best score.


People tend to view difficulty in relationship to its rewards not in a vacuum.

And even though I enjoy mythic+, slapping on infinite scaling is a pretty brain dead way to make anything incredibly hard. Slap it on a simple WQ and all of a sudden the +309 WQ clear is more harder then 99% of the content in the game.

Stop making the timers shorter please. Nobody cares if the top players are zooming through dungeons with mega pulls, it distorts the picture for everybody else.

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Every post about m+. They nearly killed it last season, at east it’s on the mend.

The bosses in cinderbrew just need nerfs. I can’t finish this dungeon in pugs most of the time. It stinks when one person messes up everyone dies.

Where’s the class tuning?


Why does anyone care what elitists think?

I don’t know if further nerfs were warranted or not, but I do know that whether one of the forum regulars respects content or not has zero influence on the fun I have.

Yeah, prenerf Bubble was harder than all bosses in Floodgate. You needed a really good healer for Bubble. If you have average healer, Bubble would just kill some people

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I won’t be touching mythics until Ion and Holly start listening. Wish more people had the will to resist garbage.