Mythic+ Dungeon Tuning - March 18

Everything is a joke to an Elitist. Even if it is difficult, they will just blow it off, like it was a piece of cake. One of the symptoms of being an Elitist.


Elitists have never in the history of this game struggled to get myth vaults, they only play the infinitely scaling part

What a weird thing to lie about

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The only other changes I can think of recommending off the top of my head is maybe less knock back on mobs from Overseer’s wallop in Darkflame Cleft and some Priory trash nerfs to their non-tank damage. Otherwise pretty good list that hits most of the pain points.

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running a 10 DFC this week caused it to overwrite the rating I got in a 13 last week, is this intended?

Are these things going to be retroactive?

oh we are so giga pulling Chewie with everything now god bless

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This was my thought. An increase in time you can at least achieve on another run, but decrease could make certain levels impossible and unachievable ever again with certain levels of skill. It could be the difference between achieving 3k or not. Just a really really poor balancing decision, times should be set from the PTR and only ever increase on live so it’s fair to everyone for the duration of the season. I generally skip the first few weeks until they get things balanced since they never listen to testers on the PTR, like many people, so guess we missed out on a whole extra 2 minutes and will get to deal with not timing the dungeon with the same time as others that did. All because blizzard has no balance ethics.

Runs dropped probably close to 20% in a single week.

Time to nerf Mythic+ again lol.


honestly I bet it was only because of two things, Fortified Priory just eating people for lunch, and the weekly affix being supremely annoying to deal with in ANY kind of terrain that isn’t flat level ground, appearing on dead bodies etc


Idk why everyone keeps saying this. Priory is pretty easy to heal. It’s only been hard to time due to time.

Cinderbrew has been one of the hardest to heal tbh, unless you pull extremely slow which you can’t. And bubbles was the hardest heal check this season thus far.

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Fingers crossed for M8 giving myth in vault and gilded in M5!!


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Yeah the nerfs do nothing to prevent the knockback AOE and the upfront hired muscle dot dmg together from destroying the group, even if you can aoe stun trash during it lol. It’s gonna be messy

This is where I apply my favorite philosophy of “if it doesn’t one shot you it’s a healer mechanic” :wink:

Might try Cinderbrew now. Just like need to nerf the hopgoblins though but it’s better. I wish we could skip that one hallway. It’s such a bland linear dungeon

what’s it like to just make stuff up for no reason?

Stop wasting and disrespecting your customers time and money.


Bubbles was the true end boss.

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It pisses me off when I see them reducing timers.

Yeah forreal. Can you guys revert this change please

I don’t care about what the ‘elitists’ think.