Mythic+ Bots/Mythic Advice

Congratulations. The only reason why you can invite people from other realms is because


server does matter for keys

if you are from ragnaros, i am not inviting you

server matters for keys

OP is very clearly talking about the server they are on which does not matter for keys. I don’t care who you do or don’t invite. With your inability to read context, I wouldn’t invite you.


As of right now no good players are farming 2s unless they are a full group. Its a waste of time because of how bad players are in 2s.

and u are from moonguard so u must sit in goldshire 24/7 and must not be good enough to inv to keys as well

server matters when u are inviting ppl for keys

Keep typing. Server doesn’t matter for keys. You’re welcome to use that as an excuse, though.


toxic players who leave keys that i have done have mostly been from ragnaros, quelthalas, etc latin american servers

toxic players who harass others or use slurs have been from frostmourne

where you are playing (your server) does matter when youre declined or invited to keys

bad players from rag/azralon/quel’thalas just linger in the memory more than others.

As for numerically or even percentage wise? Maybe the same.

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I’ll give you a single womp. This hasn’t been worth two.

and as you are from moonguard, which is rp, i would not invite you

u can be mad all you like but what server youre playing the game on does matter

I wouldn’t even bother. They’re just here to troll. As usual.

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Thats just not true

Since Remix dropped, quality of 2s has gone up. Using this time before people flood back to get a little score and gear on some alts before week 1 returns in earnest

You have 2 things working against you:
1: Blood dk is NOT the meta. At +2 or +4 no one should care – emphasis on “should”-- but people are still aware you are not a guardian druid or vengeance dh.
2: Your score/rating is likely very low rn, so people will look at it, and take a more experienced tanked.

I played BDK in Legion and BFA myself, so ik what you are going through. I ended up simply running my own keys and inviting whom I picked.

These days, I play hpal (also off-meta) and run with a friend… And let me tell you, having even one other person in your corner makes the WHOLE THING 100x more bearable.

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Yes it is. No one good in M+ is doing 2s. No reason to ever touch them. Trying to carry bads through those for crests when you are trying to do a farm quickly is not happening.

Those “2 chrest farm” groups are not invited low IO/gear level people… unless they are bad. In that case they don’t know what farm means.

The OP is doing 2s that take well over 20 minutes. Often 25+. A good group will do those in 15 minutes or less. No good players are adding 5 to 10 minutes to their “FARM”.

You can keep saying that but its just not true. Plenty of higher end players farm 2s for wrym crest. But by all means tell me how that good players dont farm the easist level for crest it def makes you seem very intelligent.

You are doing 2s. Anyone can get a 2 key. The explanation is bad players do 2s. Yes they really are that bad.

thats not true

i farm +2s for crests bc u can upgrade them or just because i want to help random new m+ players

Do you read? No good players are inviting a DK tank with no io at ilvl 500 to FARM 2s. No one good does that… that is beyond stupid. They are going for quick and easy which is not what you get from some random that hasn’t done anything above a 2.

Farming 2s for crests sounds like a terrible idea because you can’t make use of the drops.